1. Virtue is ... self-centered.
By right action, we mean it must help promote personal interest.
2.... (Poverty) was a product of their
The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children.
3. ...the rich were not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration.
The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the problem.
4. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God. 适者生存英语
It is only the result or effect of the law of the survival of the fittest applied to nature of to huma
n society. 5. It declined in popularity, and references to its acquired a condemnatory tone.
People began to reject Social Darwinism because it seemed to glorify brutal force and oppose treasured values of sympathy, love and friendship. Therefore, when it was mentioned, it was usually the target of criticism. 6. ...the search for a way of getting the poor off our conscience was not at an end; it was only suspended.
The desire to find a way to justify the unconcern for the poor had not been abandoned; it had only been put off. 7. ...only rarely given to overpaying for monkey wrenches, flashlights, coffee makers, and toilet seats.
Government officials, on the whole, are good; it is very rare that some would pay high prices for office equipment to get kickbacks.
8. This is perhaps our most highly influential piece of fiction.
It is a very popular story and has been accepted by many but it is not true.
9. Belief can be the servant of truth---but even more of convenience.
Belief can be useful in the search for truth, but more often than not it is accepted because it is convenient and self-serving.
10. Who tells to much applause that the poor must have the cruel spur of their own suffering to
George Gilder advances the view that only when the poor suffer from great misery will they be stimulated to make great efforts to change the situation, in other words, suffering is necessary to force the poor to work hard. Phrases
1. to reflect on a problem严重思考一个问题
2. intellectual preoccupation有思想有学问的人孜孜不倦思考探索的问题
3.to take on the modern form具有现代形式
4.to come up with the formula提出了这样一种准则
5.survival of the fittest适者生存
6.substantial measure of responsibility在很大程度上负有责任
7.unemployment insurance失业保险
8.Medicare and Medicaid医疗照顾和医疗补助
9.weapons procurement武器采购
10.supply-side economics供应学派经济
11.corporate executives企业经理人员
12.food stamps食品劵
13.Workers’ Compensation工人(失业)补助金
14.subsidized housing住房补贴
15.disability insurance伤残保险
16.social tranquility社会
1. An imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of republics 贫富不均乃共和政体最致命的宿疾
2. Their poverty is a temporary misfortune, if they are poor and meek, they eventually will inherit the earth 他们的贫穷只是一种暂时性的不幸,如果他们贫穷但却温顺,他们最终将成为世界的主人
3.Couples in love should repair to R H Macy’s not their bedroom
4.The American beauty rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing
the early buds which grow up around it.and so is in economic life. It’s merely the working out of the a law of the nature and a
law of god
5. (It has become) an economically not unrewarding enterprise. (它已成为)经济上收入不菲的行业
6.There is…no form of oppression that is quiet so great, no constriction on thought and effort quiet so comprehensive, as that
which come from having no money at all
7. Freedom we rightly cherish, cherishing it, we should not use it as a cover for denying freedom to those in need. 我们珍惜自由式对的。正因为珍惜自由,我们就不能以此为借口,不给最需要自由的人自由
8. Whether they be in Ethiopia, the south Bronx, or even in such an Elysium as Los Angeles, we resolve to keep them off our minds
9. He is enjoying, as indicated, unparalleled popularity in high Washington circles.
10. Compassion, along with the association public effort is the least comfortable. the least convenient course of behavior and action in our time同情心,加上与之相关的社会努力是人们这个年代,最令人不快的行为何行动方针
18. But this image, now repeatedly thrust before us in photographs, posters, and advertise
ments, is misleading.
The Earth we see in photos, posters, and ads, which appears so beautiful, is not the true reflection of the world we live in, such