The survival competition of the fittest, as a process of competition and contest between people and groups, is essentially the survival of the fittest. The survival competition of the fittest is a contest of strength. The strong can be preserved and developed, and the weak can be eliminated and destroyed; The survival competition of the fittest is a contest of wisdom. The talented win, and the mediocre and stupid lose; The survival competition of the fittest is a contest of will. Those with strong will can stand the test of competition waves, while those with weak will will be frightened by the tide of competition.
Natural selection and survival of the fittest are the essence and universal law of competition. The fundamental attribute of survival competition of the fittest makes it both an incentive mechanism and an elimination mechanism. It enables the victorious people to obtain competitive goals, needs to be met, and is respected by the world and praised by public opinion. As an elimination mechanism, it makes the failed people lose their competitive goals and their needs can not be met, which is often despised by the world and mocked by public opinion.
It is precisely under the stimulus of the survival competition of the fittest, which is the reward for winning, and the pressure of failure and elimination, that social members are forced to keep forging ahead, strive forward, and surpass others, so as to finally merge into a huge torrent of social progress, and promote the continuous progress of human society. Therefore, the survival competition of the fittest can be said to be the mother of social progress in a sense, especially civilized and fair competition plays a huge role in promoting social development.