英语美文赏析:爱的召唤 When Love Beckons You
Love beckons you, not to a code of morals, but to the deep mystery which underlies all life. It is an invitation to explore the unknown, to enter the field of the undiscovered, to come face to face with yourself and to know the truth of who you are.
Love calls you to be honest with yourself and to find the courage to be true to yourself. It is an invitation to be kind to yourself and to treat yourself with respect and understanding. It is a call to accept yourself as you are and to recognize the beauty of your unique gifts.
美文赏析Love challenges you to take risks and to follow your heart. It is a call to be brave and to explore the depths of your soul. It is an invitation to open up to the power of love and to experience the joy that comes from living fully and deeply.
Love beckons you to be present in each moment and to savor the beauty of life. It is a call to be compassionate and to embrace the pain and suffering of the world. It is an invitation to be open to the love that is all around you and to share it with others.
Love calls you to be courageous and to trust in yourself and in the power of love. It is an invitation to be vulnerable and to embrace the uncertainty and the unknown. It is a call to be brave and to live fully and deeply.