    As a child, I was often subject to the incessant nagging of my mother. Her voice, like a relentless drumbeat, would follow me everywhere I went, echoing in my ears and chipping away at my patience. Her words, spoken with the best of intentions, nevertheless grated on my nerves, making me feel like a scolded puppy.
    The content of her唠叨s varied widely. Sometimes, she would chastise me for my untidy room, her voice rising in pitch as she pointed out the scattered clothes and toys. Other times, she would berate me for my poor grades, her tone tinged with disappointment and frustration. And then there were the times when she would simply nag me about my eating habits, imploring me to eat my vegetables and finish my milk.
母亲的唠叨    No matter the topic, her唠叨s always seemed to follow a similar pattern. It would start with a gentle reminder, which I would often ignore. This would be followed by a more insistent ton
e, as she repeated her request with growing impatience. Finally, if I still failed to comply, she would resort to threats and punishments, leaving me feeling guilty and resentful.
    While I understood that my mother's唠叨s came from a place of love and concern, I couldn't help but feel annoyed and frustrated by them. I longed for a moment's peace and quiet, a space where I could be free from the constant sound of her voice.