1.Don’t include quotes。
2. Avoid oversized corporate logos.
ometimes we have no choice about this, because our companies insist we include these things, but if they are too big, they draw the eye away from the message。
3. Include your title and contact info, but keep it short.
In most business emails, you’re doing the person a favor by sharing your vital information. But make it mi
nimal. Mine just says, “Susan Adams, Senior Editor, Forbes 212-206-5571.” A short link to your website is fine but avoid a laundry list of links promoting your projects and publications。
对于⼤多数商业邮件,分享重要信息是在帮助别⼈。但是保持简短。像我的就写,“Susan Adams,福布斯杂志⾼级编
4. Do include some kind of sign-off。
Mark Hurst, 40, author of Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload, says the function of a sign-off is to signal the end of a message, so the recipient knows it didn’t get short-circuited. “To me the sign-off is not so much style as function in the service of clearly communicating your message,” he says。
Mark Hurst,40岁,⽐特素养的作者说:在信息和邮件超载的时代,结尾的功能是标志邮件的结束,因此收件⼈知道没有短路。他说,“对于我来说,结尾作为清晰地传达信息的⼯具没有太多的格式。”
Etiquette consultant Lett advocates a more formal approach. “I don’t believe emails are conversations,” she says. “They’re letters。” I disagree. Emails are their own form of communication and they’re evolving fast. Farhad Manjoo, 35, Wall Street Journal technology columnist and until recently, the voice behind a Slate podcast, “Manners for the Digital Age,” puts it well:“An email is both a letter and an instant message,” he observes。
礼仪顾问Lett提倡⼀个更加正式的⽅法。他说“我不认为邮件是对话,他们是信件。” 我不同意。邮件是他们彼此交流的形式,并且他们迅速发展。Farhad Manjoo,35岁,华尔街⽇报技术专栏作家,最近在Slate播客“数字时代的礼仪”中说的好,“邮件既是信件也是即时消息。”
All of that said, here is a list of common and not-so-common email sign-offs, with commentary and notes from the experts。尽管如此,下⾯是⼀些带有专家评论和注释的常见的和不那么常见的邮件结尾。
Best – This is the most ubiquitous; it’s totally safe. I recommend it highly and so do the experts。
Best –是最普遍的;绝对安全的。我和专家都极⼒推荐这个。
My Best – A little stilted. Etiquette consultant Lett likes it.
My Best –有点⽣硬。礼仪顾问Lett喜欢这个。
My best to you – Lett also likes this one. I think it’s old-fashioned。
My best to you –Lett也喜欢这个。我认为它过时了。
All Best – Harmless。
All Best –⽤起来⽆⼤碍。
All the best – This works too。
All the best – 这个也管⽤。
Best Wishes –Seems too much like a greeting card but it’s not bad。
Best Wishes –看起来特别像贺卡,但是还不赖。
Bests – I know people who like this but I find it fussy. Why do you need the extra “s”?
Bests – 我知道有⼈喜欢,但是我觉得它很繁琐。为什么你需要多余的“s?”
Best Regards – More formal than the ubiquitous “Best。” I use this when I want a note of formality。
Best Regards – ⽐最普遍的“Best”更正式。当我想要正式的写结尾时我会⽤这个。
Regards – Fine, anodyne, helpfully brief. I use this。
Regards – 好,稳重,简短。我⽤这个。
Rgds – I used to use this but stopped, because it’s trying too hard to be abbreviated. Why not type three more letters? OK if you’re sending it from your phone。
Rgds – 我过去常⽤这个但是现在没⽤了,因为这个很难被缩写。为什么不多写⼏个字母?如果是⽤⼿机发邮件的话,这个OK 。
Warm Regards – I like this for a personal email to someone you don’t know very well, or a business email that is meant as a thank-you。
Warm Regards – 给不是很了解的⼈发私⼈邮件时我喜欢⽤这个,商业邮件中它的意思是谢谢你。
Warmest Regards – As good as Warm Regards, with a touch of added heat。
Warmest Regards – 增添了⼀丝温暖,跟Warm Regards⼀样好。
Warmest – I use this often for personal emails, especially if I’m close to someone but not in regular touch。
英文信件结尾Warmest – 私⼈邮件中我常常⽤这个,尤其是当我离别⼈很近但是⼜不常联系的时候,我会⽤这个。
Warmly – This is a nice riff on the “warm” theme that can safely be used among colleagues。
Warmly –这个⼀个关于 “warm” 的主题的很好的结尾,在同事之间使⽤很安全。
Take care – In the right instances, especially for personal emails, this works。
Take care – 在适合的情况下,尤其是私⼈邮件,这个很有⽤。
Thanks - Lett says this is a no-no. “This is not a closing. It’s a thank-you,” she insists. I disagree. Forbes Leadership editor Fred Allen uses it regularly and I think it’s an appropriate, warm thing to say. I use it too。
Thanks - Lett说这个禁⽤。他认为“这不是结尾⽽是感谢。”我不同意。福布斯编辑领导 Fred Allen经常⽤这个,我认为它是⼀个合适的、暖⼼的词。我也⽤。
Thanks so much – I also like this and use it, especially when someone—a colleague, a source, someone with whom I have a business relationship—has put time and effort into a task or email。
Thanks so much – 我也喜欢这个,并会⽤这个,尤其是当某⼈—同事,⼈脉资源,跟我有业务关系的⼈—花时间和精⼒完成任务和邮件时,我会⽤这个。
Thanks! – This rubs me the wrong way because I used to have a boss who ended every email this way. She was usually asking me to perform a task and it made her sign-off seem more like a stern order, with a forced note of appreciation, than a genuine expression of gratitude. But in the right context, it can be fine。
Thanks! – 这个很让我恼⽕,因为我曾经有个⽼板每封邮件都⽤这个结尾。他经常让我完成⼀个任务,带着勉强感谢的符号,这让他的结尾看起来像是⼀个严厉的命令,⽽不是真诚地表达致谢。但是在合适的语境中,它也适⽤。
Thank you – More formal than “Thanks。” I use this sometimes。
Thank you – ⽐“Thanks”更加正式。我有时⽤这个。
Thank you! – This doesn’t have the same grating quality as “Thanks!” The added “you” softens it。
Thank you! – 这个不会像“Thanks”那么让⼈不悦!多余的“you” 使它变得缓和。
Many thanks – I use this a lot, when I genuinely appreciate the effort the recipient has undertaken。
Many thanks – 当我真诚的感谢收件⼈所付出的努⼒时,我常常⽤这个。
Thanks for your consideration. – A tad stilted with a note of servility, this can work in the business context, though it’s almost asking for a rejection. Steer clear of this when writing a note related to seeking employment。
Thanks for your consideration – 有点⽣硬带点屈从,尽管它⼏乎是寻求排斥,但是在商业邮件中它很有⽤。当你写就业相关的邮件时,避免使⽤它。
Thx – I predict this will gain in popularity as our emails become more like texts. Lett would not approve。Thx – 随着我们的邮件变得更像⽂本,我猜想这个会获得欢迎。Lett 可能不会赞同。