Chapter 1: The Earth and Maps
n 1: The Earth and the Globe
1.The shape and size of the Earth: The Earth is an XXX 6,371 kilometers。a maximum circumference of 40,000 kilometers。and a surface area of 510 n square kilometers.
XXX n of longitude and latitude:
Longitude: Vertical lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole.
Latitude: Horizontal lines that run parallel to the equator and wrap around the Earth.
2.Evidence that the Earth is a sphere: Magellan's n。lunar eclipses。observing ships from the beach。XXX images of the Earth.
3.Longitude and latitude:
Longitude (meridians) Latitude (parallels)
ns Starting at the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) Starting at the Equator (0° latitude)
ns East or West of the Prime Meridian North or South of the Equator
Symbols E or W for East or West N or S for North or South
Ranges From 0° to 180° E or W From 0° to 90° N or S
n Degrees + W or E Degrees + N or S
Hemispheres: The Earth can be divided into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres。as well as the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Other XXX: The nal Date Line。which is opposite the Prime Meridian。and the circle of longitude。which is made up of two opposite meridians (i.e。two XXX difference of 180°).
Spain - Atlantic Ocean - Southern tip of South America - Pacific Ocean - Indian Ocean - Cape of Good Hope - Spain.
n 2: The Earth's Movement
XXX: The Earth rotates on its axis from west to east。which takes about 24 hours to complete。This creates the day and night cycle.
XXX: The Earth revolves around the Sun from west to east。which takes about 365.25 days to XXX.
XXX: XXX difference depends on the n。The farther east。the earlier the time。When viewed from the North Pole。the Earth rotates counterclockwise。while it XXX.
2.The summer solstice has the highest sun angle at noon。while the winter solstice has t
he lowest。The summer solstice has the longest day。while the winter solstice has the shortest。The four seasons are:
Spring: March 20 or 21 - May
Summer: XXX 21 - August
XXX: September 22 or 23 - November
Winter: December 22 or 23 - February
3.The five temperature zones are based on the amount of solar n received:
4.XXX three latitude zones are:
Low latitude (0°-30°)。middle latitude (30°-60°)。and high latitude (60°-90°).