  In the twinkling of an eye, it is the annual Lantern Festival. I am particularly happy on this day.
  In the morning, the sun is bright and the sky is blue. Grandma went to the market to buy the ingredients needed for the festival. When she got home, she would make us dumplings. She rubbed the white dough like a white snake.
  I used my "explosive skill", took a knife to cut the snake like dough into pieces, and then kneaded the dough round with my hand, like snow-white snowballs. Grandma looked at it and said with a smile that I was really sensible.
  To make the dumplings more delicious, grandma added sesame, radish, bean paste, strawberry and sugar flavored fillings. When it's done, start the pot and light the fire. After a while, the cooked dumplings are as bright and translucent as shelled eggs, and they are a little bigger. Take one, put it in your mouth, chew it gently, and the soup will come out. Tangyuan is soft and slippery. It's delicious!
  Grandma makes us Yuanxiao every year in the hope that our family will be reunited forever. Ah, what a meaningful festival!
  The Lantern Festival is coming! The Lantern Festival is coming!
  The Lantern Festival has many traditional customs, such as watching the moon, setting off fireworks, eating Lantern Festival and guessing lantern riddles. I like all these traditional customs. Among them, I like eating Yuanxiao best, and I can also wrap yuanxiao. This year, my grandmother and I made yuanxiao.
  Because the Lantern Festival has already started, we can't spend it with grandma, so we ate the Lantern Festival in advance. There was a small episode in the process of making yuanxiao. It was like this: that day, when making yuanxiao, I found that the skin of Yuanxiao couldn't be wrapped well. What's the matter? Grandma thought left and right. Finally, grandma saw the sesame filling on the table. Grandma thought: is it too soft? It must be! So grandma put the sesame stuffing in the refrigerator and took it out after freezing for ten minutes. Grandma wrapped a dumpling easily as soon as she tried. Now it doesn't take so much time and effort!
  Moreover, on the day of the Lantern Festival, I also ate a kind of lantern festival called "crystal Tangyuan". I asked my mother why the skin was transparent? Mom checked and found that its skin was made of "cassava powder". I want to try it next time when I wrap dumplings!
  The Lantern Festival is the end of the new year. In 2022, I hope I can achieve what I want and make my family happy!
  Today is a special day.
  When I came home from school, I was greeted by a strong smell of vegetables, which made me salivate. When you look at the table, you can see tomato beef soup, steak, Orleans chicken wings, It can be described as a gluttonous feast.
  After dinner, I still have a sweet breath. Unexpectedly, there are surprises. Mother came over with a smile and carried three small bowls in her hand, which were filled with sugar water and six exquisite small dumplings. They were exquisite and lovely. I'm so happy. Eating dumplings, my family is talking and laughing. How happy is it. Seeing that there was only the last dumpling left in the bowl, I bit it car
elessly. "Dang" teeth seemed to touch something hard and spit it out. Ah, it's a small box! Open it. Wow, there is a small dumpling doll in it. At the same time, my parents also take out one of their own, male and female. Three "small dumplings" sit around the toy table together. The picture is very vivid.
  I was happy to "giggle" and laugh. I was both excited and moved. Sure enough, it is the most important for the family to get together. Let's spend a good time together and enjoy the happiness with our family on this festive lantern festival!
  The sound of New Year firecrackers is still ringing in my ears, and the Lantern Festival has quietly come in people's hope.
  The Lantern Festival is also called the Lantern Festival. The custom of watching lanterns on the Lantern Festival existed in the Tang Dynasty and was most popular in the Song Dynasty. During the Lantern Festival, all kinds of lanterns compete in the capital; After nightfall, there are thousands of lights and tourists watching the lights. It's really lively.
  The Lantern Festival in modern times is more lively than in ancient times, and modern people pay more attention to this festival than in ancient times.
  On the Lantern Festival, after the whole family had dinner, I took my mother and grandmother's hands to the street to watch the lights. Red lanterns are hung on every door, and colorful fireworks are blooming in the sky from time to time. In the street, look far away, ah! The streets were crowded with people and traffic. Everyone's face was filled with a smile. Look! How happy the Yangko team is! The colored fan was raised over the head and swung around the waist. Look! Pig Bajie carrying a rake, Monkey King holding a golden cudgel, monk Sha carrying his luggage, Tang Monk riding a high horse came to us from a distance, and the crowd burst into cheers.
  This night is the world of lights and the ocean of people.
  I like this happy festival - Lantern Festival.
  Today is the Lantern Festival. The whole XX experimental primary school is shrouded in happiness. The campus is full of all kinds of lanterns. This year is different from previous years. Each lantern has a blessing for the centennial celebration of his alma mater.
  There are so many people in the school. It's not too much to describe this scene with "a sea of peop
le". In front of me, there are colorful and varied lanterns: there are vivid monkey lights, lively and lovely little bear lights, beautiful lotus lights and playful little These lanterns are lifelike, making the whole campus a world of lights. They are very beautiful.
  I walked around the campus and enjoyed it. Look, what a beautiful monkey lamp! The monkey on the lamp is yellow all over, holding a ruyi golden cudgel in his hand, looking into the distance and stepping on auspicious clouds. It seems that he will rise up at any time. I was afraid that the monkey would really run away, so I quickly asked my father to take a picture of me and the monkey.
  There are also wonderful dances, lion dance performances and martial arts performances on campus, which make me dazzling and happy.
  I think this year's Lantern Festival must be the most unforgettable in everyone's mind.
  Today is the Lantern Festival. The students of our small press group came to Vanke Xixi butterfly garden to make the Lantern Festival together.
  Let's make lanterns first. The teacher has already prepared the materials for us. Today we are goin
g to make a wishing lamp, which is the kind of Kongming lamp that you have seen in TV dramas that can fly in the sky. Because I've never done it, I'm full of expectations.
  After we got the wishing lamp from the teacher, we couldn't wait to pick up the brush and draw it. Soon, the wishing lamp was full of our new year wishes. On the wishing lamp, I am filled with blessings. My wish is that others can be as happy as me.
  It is essential to eat dumplings on the Lantern Festival. After drawing the lanterns, we'll have dumplings together. What a feast today! Let's see what flavors the teachers have prepared for us, sweet strawberry flavor, bitter chocolate flavor and sesame flavor. WOW! Many of them are things I haven't eaten before. Once the glutinous glutinous dumplings are opened, their mouth will smell delicious. It's delicious!
  Finally, we guessed a lot of lantern riddles. I guessed more than ten of them and was lucky to draw a box of CDs.
  This year's Lantern Festival has left me good memories.
  The 15th day of the first month is the Lantern Festival, a traditional Chinese festival. On this day, people eat yuanxiao, enjoy lanterns and set off fireworks.
  On the afternoon of the Lantern Festival, my grandmother and I went shopping. There were a sea of people everywhere.
On both sides of the street were all kinds of lanterns. Some lanterns were laughing Mimi pigs, which looked very cute. Some lanterns were small dragonflies and butterflies flapping their wings back and forth. It seemed that they could really fly. The street was very lively!
  After dinner, we came to the square to watch the fireworks. After the fireworks were lit, first things like small balls flew into the sky, and then exploded in the sky and dispersed into golden sparks. Each spark dispersed into more colorful small sparks. It was like a colorful 'meteor shower' in the sky. Watching the beautiful fireworks flying in the sky, my brother and I jumped and jumped happily!
  I had a good time on the 15th day of the first month of this year. School will begin tomorrow. This happy Lantern Festival has brought a perfect end to my winter vacation!
  Lantern Festival, also known as Shangyuan Festival, is a traditional festival in China. Making lantern festival is an ancient folk festival of the Han nationality.
  My father and mother came to the people's Square today. I couldn't wait to go in.
  There was a sea of people, and the lanterns gathered together like a meeting. It's lively. The lanterns dazzled me. There are large and small lamps with different c o l o r s a n d s h a p e s . T h e m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g t h i n g i s t h e g o l d e n p i g l a m p . N o w , l e t m e i n t r o d u c e i t ! / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 4 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 5 " > 0 0 T h e g o l d e n p i g l a m p i s m a d e o f s e v e r a l i r o n w i r e s a n d t h e b o d y i s m a d e o f s e v e r a l p i e c e s o f g o l d e n g a u z e . T h e r e a r e s t i l l a f e w s m i l e s o n h i s f a c e . l o v e l y ! I t l o o k s l i k e r u n n i n g . A n o t e w a s h u n g o n t h e p i g t a i l o f t h e g o l d e n p i g l a m p , w h i c h s a i d : H a p p y L a n t e r n F e s t i v a l f o r t h e p e o p l e o f t h e w h o l e c o u n t r y . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 6 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 7 " > 0 0 A f t e r w a t c h i n g t h e e y e - c a t c h i n g g o l d e n p i g l a m p , g o t o s e e t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n l a m p ! / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 8 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 9 " > 0 0 T w o h a n d s s t r e t c h e d o u t f r o m b e l o w , n e x t t o t h e w o o d s a n d g r a s s . T h e r e i s a l s o a s t r e a m w i t h r o u n d l i n e s . T h e w a t e r i n t h e s t r e a m i s r e a l l y c l e a r a n d l o w . C a n b e u s e d a s a m i r r o r ! T h e r e a r e t w o b
a m b o o r a f t s i n t h e s t r e a m w i t h r o u n d l i n e s , w h i c h a r e s p a r i n g t h e s t r e a m . I t h i n k t h e y m u s t b e w a t c h i n g t h e s c e n e r y ! H o w a b o u t i t ? I t ' s b e a u t i f u l ! i m g s r c = " h t t p s : / / i m g . w y k w . c o m / u p l o a d f i l e / i m a g e s / t e m p l a t e / 3 4 . j p g " b d s f i d = " 1 3 0 " > / p > p s t y l e = " b o r d e r - l e f t : 5 p x s o l i d # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c k g r o u n d : # f 5 f 7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g - l e f t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e -h e i g h t : 3 5 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 8 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 1 3 1 " >