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国 undefined 达 州
XX专业XXXX班[姓名]  指导教师XXX [四号楷体居中]
中国古典舞,是通过艺术实践的检验流传下来的具有一定典范意义和古典风格特的舞蹈。它是中华文化的流传和延续, 且具有很高的审美价值和艺术魅力, 中国新古典舞是当代舞者致力于建设中国当代民族舞蹈的一种尝试。 它是在民族民间舞的基础上,经过历代舞蹈家的提炼、 加工和创造而逐渐形成的舞蹈种类, 它充分体现了舞蹈 “形、 神、劲、 律” 的高度融合, 这正是中国古典舞身韵的重要表现手段。鉴于手、眼、身、法、步是中国古典舞的精髓和灵魂,本文就从身韵的手眼身法步在古典舞当中的运用出发,就中国古典舞的手、眼、身、法、步在古典舞当中的运用进行了初步的探讨与分析。
Hand-eye agility step of Body Charm in the use of classical dance
Major: XX  Grade: XX  Class: XX  Student: XXX    Supervisor: XXX
Chinese classical dance is based on folk dance , drama mergers extracted from the essence of dance and martial arts combination of agility , and long after the creation and processing of thousands of years of artistic practice dance professionals inspection , which combines aesthetic elements of ancient Chinese dance and contemporary aesthetics , thus forming today with strong Chinese characteristics ethnic dance styles of dance . Chinese classical dance is an ancient practice of the people working in the country in the creation of Chinese classical dance has formed our own set of national training system , and this system has a relatively strong national identity , have our nation's aesthetic features and aesthetics norms, our difficulty and artistic expression , is the other training system that can not be replaced . So, explore the body rhyme hand-eye agility step in which the use of classical dance in the traditional culture of the Chinese nation as a fundamental integration of Chinese modern aesthetic point of view , the essence of dance and martial arts drama comprehensive shenfa to train Chinese classical dance basic skills for the purpose of developing integrated intelligent Chinese classical dancers , supplemented by comprehensive use of hand-eye rhyme agility scientific, systematic and nationality laws whi
ch apply in the classical dance , focusing on the hands, eyes , body, law , step training to enable students to fully grasp the Chinese classical dance is the key rhyme to explore the use of hand-eye agility were among the classical dance .