苏 展摘 要  观察类真人秀 是近年来新的主流综艺节目形式㊂它直接展演作为 素人 的观察对象的日常生活和交往行为,往往又在观众和观察对象中,再设置一重观察员的角㊂这种大众文化形式借助当代媒介有效地消弭了传统综艺与观众之间在时间和空间上的距离,是当代中国观众审美日常生活的具体实践㊂基于一系列的设定,借助叙事策略,节目嘉宾表演和呈现日常生活㊂所呈现的 向往的生活 是欲望与规则的调和,是中国文化中的自然天性与现代生活秩序的调和㊂多重的观看关系使观察行为和观察者的位置带有了意识形态因素,是资本的逻辑下特定人的意见表达,因此对 素人 日常生活的观察似乎并不可能㊂如上种种表征,折射了中国作为全球化市场中的后发现代化国家,审美结构依然滞后的现状㊂突破此种现状有赖于大众文化不断探索自身,寻出更为有效的感性经验的组织方式㊂
关键词 真人秀 审美化 符号媒介 综艺表演 观察
Observation and Performing of Daily Life
Su Zhan
Abstract  Observational reality show is a new mainstream form of variety show since the21st century.It directly displays the daily life and com-municative behavior of naive person,and usually there is an observer role be-tween audience and the object of observation.It is a quite popular category of popular culture,and it effectively eliminates the distance in terms of time and space compared with traditional variety shows in the era of media integra-tion.As well it is a concrete aesthetic activity or practice of daily life by audi-ences in contemporary China.The observational reality show enhances dramat-ic effect through a variety of front stage and settings together with certain nar-rative strategies,with which guests of the show perform daily life and present themselves. Back to the field is a compromise of desi
日常生活审美化re and rules,also a harmony of natural instinct of Chinese culture and rules of modern society in the era of globalization.Also,multiple relationships of observation bring about ideological topics.The show is also organized by opinions which makes over-serving daily life of naive person impossible.By academically locating obser-vational reality show in popular culture of contemporary China,it is found that aesthetics still lags behind economic status in global market.It is necessary to consciously explore an effective way of organizing those perceptual experience by popular culture texts.
Keywords reality show;aestheticization;symbolic media;variety show;performance;observation
综艺 一直是电视节目的一个重要类别㊂在综艺的内部,最直接地表现人们日常生活的则是观察类真人秀㊂观察类真人秀节目不以明确的任务设定为主要线索,有别于传统综艺中出现过的技能竞赛㊁知识问答㊁奇观展示等形式,以人的生活和交往本身作为观察内容㊂就观察主体而言,一部分由电视或网络节目观众构成,而另一部分则是在观众和观察对象中,