1.The life _______ so different ten years ago.  (    )
广州小升初A.were    B.was    C.is
2.There are ___________ vegetables in the kitchen. We need to buy some. (   
A.few    B.a few    C.a little
3.His home was _____________ so he walked to school every day. (   )
A.far    B.nearby
C.away    D.far away from
4.The house is very different ______ ours in the city. (    )
A.in    B.on    C.to
5.What did you yesterday? (   
A.ate    B.eat    C.eats
6.If the weather ________ fine, we ________ have a sports meeting this weekend. (    )
A.is; will    B.will be; do    C.was; will    D.is; do
7.Please stop ________ the earth. (   )
A.pollute    B.polluting    C.pollutes
8.Qi Baishi was a painter. He was good at ___________ flowers and animals. (  )
A.painting    B.paints    C.to paint
9._____ your mother _______ Guangzhou? (   
A.Do, live in    B.Does, live in    C.Do, lives on
10.It usually ________ Mum about half an hour to cook dinner. (  )
A.costs    B.spends    C.takes
11.I really want to see the __________ (美丽的湖泊和瀑布).
12.What will you do i_________ you don’t do well in the exam?
13.My pen pel is from _____ ______ (新西兰).
14.My cousin likes ________ (看电影) in a cinema.
15.He’s the winner of 200-meter race. I’m ______(自豪的) of him.
(    ) He went to the field every day to see the seedlings (秧苗). He wished that his rice seedlings in his field could grow quickly.
( A ) Long ago, there was a farmer. He planted a plot of rice in his field.
(    ) He thought about this day and night, but the seedlings still grew slowly. “I have to find a way to help them grow fast.” He said to himself.
(    ) One day, he had an idea and ran to the field. He pulled(拔) up all of his seedlings one by one.
(    ) His son heard about this and ran to the field. However, he saw that all the seedlings died.
(    ) He was very tired after doing this for a whole day. But he felt very happy because he thought the seedlings grew a lot.
17.and, eight, seven, is, what (.)
18.I, a, was, good, then, back, girl (?)
19.the child, always, on time, his homework, hands in (.)
20.it’s, is, Feifei, The, elephant, fat, called  (, .)
21.patient, wait, and, red, Be, a, light, at, stop (, .)
past, gardening, life, watch, having, listen, work, milk, have, on, animals
Hello, I am Tony. I live ______22______a big farm. I am ______23______a healthy life. In the morning, I mike the cows to get fresh _______24_______. I have breakfast at half _______25_______ seven. I usually _____26_____in the field in the morning. In the afternoon, I do some _____27_____ and have some fun. Then I feed all the ______28______ on the farm. I often _____29_____TV or_______30_______ to music in the evening . I ______31______a busy life. But I think it is a happy ______32______too.
One day, Jack and David went fishing. Jack took his dog Tony with him. By the river, when the dog saw a bird, he wanted to run after it and tried to catch it. “All the fish are frightened and swim away,” said David. “Be quiet! Tony,” Jack shouted at him. But Tony didn’t listen to
him. “Next time, I will not bring him here again,” said Jack. “Wait!” said David. “A fish is biting my line.” “Look out!” shouted Jack. But it was too late. The boy fell into the water. “Help! Help!” shouted David. But Jack couldn’t swim. Just then, Tony came out. He jumped into the water and pulled the boy onto the bank and saved his life.
33.Tony is the name of . ( 
A.a fish    B.a dog    C.a boy
34.David asked Tony to be . 
A.quiet    B.noisy    C.happy
35.Jack said that . ( 
A.he won’t take Tony to go fishing with him
B.he won’t go fishing with David
C.he won’t save David
36.Who fell into the river and got wet? ( 
A.Jack.    B.David.    C.Nobody.
37. helped David. ( 
A.The dog    B.Jack    C.Nobody
Everyone wants to have good manners, but it is not so easy. We must be careful of everything in our life. There is something we should know.
First, say “hello” to the people you meet, to your teachers, to your friends and classmates, and maybe to your neighbours. Second, try to help the others in need. Then very o will like you. And if you are in trouble, they will help you, too. Third, don’t laugh at others. That will be impolite.
Good manners make things easier. They can help people to live happily with each other. W
hen you are nice to people, they will be nice to you, too.
38.It’s so easy for everyone to have good manners. (      )