(    aiter    ay      ay      ay
(    ear      ear      air        D. here
(    ) 3. A.thing    B.third      C.they        D.thin
(    es    es  es      es
ed  ed    ed    ed
第一节:单项选择 从各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项
(    ) 6.—How much is that ring?
--___________only $29.
(    ) 7.This dress is__________ than the blue one.
A.more attractive C.pretty D.cheap
(    ) 8._________ is my hobby.
A.Playing basketball B.Play basketball
C.Playing piano D.Play the piano
(    )9.I want some socks.How much are the blue and white_______?
A.s C.
(    )10.Please_______ the exercise books here tomorrow.
A.bring B. to bring C. take
(    ) 11.My aunt is______her thirties.
A. C.at D.for
(    ) 12.Helen is in Poland. She’s_________ a great time.
A.doing B.having C.making D.liking
(    ) 13.What___________________?
A.is the weather like B.does the weather like
C.is the weather liking D.do the weathers like
(    ) 14._________ I look at your new watch, please?
A.Am B.Can C.Do D.Must
(    ) 15.Linda____ill______ afternoon.
A.is, last B.was, yesterday C.were, last D.is, in
  As the time goes on, all kinds of the new inventions comes into our daily life. New machines are_16_ used all over the world. Why are machines so important and necessary(必要的)_17_ us? Because they can_18_ us do things_19_. For example, microwaves can heat water or cook food_20_ we used to.
  A washing machine helps us to wash clothes. A printing(印刷 )machine helps us to print a lot of books,newspapers, magazines and many_21_ things_22_. Bicycles, cars, trains and planes are all machines.
They help us to travel faster than_23_foot.
  The computer is a wonderful machine. It was invented not long ago. It_24_ stores information but also counts numbers millions of times as fast as a scientist_25_.
  Let’s study hard and try to use all kinds of machines to build China into a modern country.
(    )16. A. wider      B. more wide    C. widely
(    )17. A. with      B. of          C. for
(    )18. A. be helped  B. help        C. helping
(    )19. A. faster and better  B. fast and better    C. fast and good
(    )20. A. much fast than    B. much faster than  C. more fast than
(    )21. A. others      B. the other      C. other
(    )22. A. quick      B. quickly      C. quicker
(    )          B. by            C. in
(    )24. A. not at all    B. not only        C. both
(    )25. A. did        B. do            C.does
  In England winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. There is not a great_26_ between summer and winter. Do you know _27_?
  England has a mild(温和的) winter and a _28_ summer because it is an island country. In winter the sea is _29_ than the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to England. In summer the sea is_30_than the land
because winds from the sea bring cool air to England.
  England has_31_ rain all the year. The west of England is_32_ than the east. The winds must blow highland in the west. They have more rain here. The east of England is drier than the west.
  The four seasons are all three_33_long. Winter is in December, January and February. Spring lasts from March to May. Summer_34_ in June and goes on to August. Autumn is from September to_35_.
(  )26.A. different    B. reason    C. difference    D. same
(  )27. A. what      B. why      C. while      D. how
(  )28. A. hot        B. cold      C. cool        D. dry
(  )29. A. cooler      B. drier    C. colder      D. warmer
(  )30. A. colder      B. hotter    C. warmer      D. cooler
(  )31.A. many      B. a little  C. a lot of      D. little
(  )32. A. wetter      B. drier    C. hotter        D. colder
(  )33. A. days      B. weeks  C. months      D. years
(  )34. A. stops      B. starts    C. ends        D. lasts
(  )35. A. September  B. January  C. November  D. December
Dear Mom,
  Please bring my ID card to school. It’s in the drawer of the dresser in my room. Thank you, Mom.