Letters of Invitation (邀请信)
1. 邀请信一定要写得明确、完整,不可留下任何疑问使被邀请者捉摸不定。要写明场合、地点、时间(年、月、日及钟点)。
2. 要写明请人来的目的。
2. 邀请者如有妻子,需将夫妇姓名都写上,对被邀请者也是如此。
3. 别人邀请你是对你的尊重,应该给予及时的、有礼貌的答复。
I’d like you to come to dinner on Wednesday, May the eleventh.
Will you have a party with us at our home on Sunday, June the tenth, at six o’clock?
I do hope you can make it.
We are looking forward to seeing you both.
Example Letter of Invitation
Dear Ruth,
    Tom and I are having come very special friends here for dinner on Thursday, October second. Naturally the party wouldn’t be complete without you and Bill!
We hope you can come, as we are planning to show the movies we made in Paris, and we know you
and Bill are thinking of going there this winter.
  Dinner is at seven, as usual. We’ll be looking for you two charming people at that time, so don’t
disappoint us!
                                                                  Affectionately yours
                                                                    Betty(and Tom)
Although many people now prefer the convenience of telephoning a response, it’s always better form to answer by note when invited by note.
Sample Letter of Acknowledgement
Dear Betty,
    How could we even think of turning down (拒绝) the prospect of another delightful evening with you and Tom? Of course we’ll be there on Thursday, October second------ Promptly at seven!
    Bill and I are both excited about seeing those Paris pictures. We think that’s where we’re going for our vacation this winter; so it will be wonderful seeing your pictures and getting a “preview” of the city.
    Thanks for asking us, Betty. We’re certainly looking forward to next Thursday.
                                                      Affectionately yours
                                                      Ruth (and Bill)
If you refuse an invitation, you must explain why -------even to a friend. Especially to a friend!
Sample Letter of declining an Invitation
Dear Betty,
    What a shame! We won’t be able to come to your dinner party on Thursday because that’s the day we’re having the Gilman here for dinner.
英文邀请信You remember I told you about Mr. Gilman last week. He’s one of Bill’s most important clients (客户). If it were anyone else, I’d alter (改变) my plans ------ even at the very last moment ----- rather than miss an evening with you and Tom! But I just can’t do that with the Gilman, Betty, I’m sure you understand.
Bill and I would certainly like to see those Paris pictures, as we think that’s where we’re going this winter. Will you give us a private showing some time? Just say when and we’ll be there!
Have a good time on Thursday. I certainly wish we could be with you!
                                                            Affectionately yours
                                                              Ruth(and Bill)
Another Sample Letter of Invitation
401 Zhong Shan Bei Yi Rd
                                                    Shanghai 200083
                                                    26 October, 2002
Dear Peter,
    Thank you for your letter which arrived yesterday. I’m really pleased to learn that you’re coming to our country again. Would you like to come and stay with us while you’re here? You’d be welcome to stay as long as you like.
    Luckily I’ll be on holiday when you’re in china, so I could show you round. Shanghai is an interesting and lively city. There’s quite a bit of night like and there are a lot of places of interest if you like that sort of thing. Of course, there are plenty of shopping places.
    I’m really looking forward to seeing you again. Please write soon and say when you can come.