英文邀请函及回复范文英文邀请函及回复范文邀请函包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式。邀请信一定要将邀请的时间、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。例如:“I’d like ou and Bob to e to Lunheon next Frida.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like ou and Bob to e to lunheon next Frida, Ma the fifth.”
1. 邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal lunheon Dear : Will ou e to lunheon on , at ? M niee  is visiting us and I think ou ill enjo meeting her. She is a harming, ver prett girl … and ver good pan!  ill be here, and perhaps e an  after lunheon. Do sa ou’ll e! Affetionatel ours, Li Ming 亲爱的: 您能在来吃午饭吗? 我侄女正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,……同她在一起是很使人高兴的!
邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 Inviting friends to supper ith the strangers Dear : I kno ou are in
terested in , so I’m sure ou’ll be interested in ! The are ing here to supper , and e’d like ou and  to e, too.  are that ver harming ouple e met in  last summer. The have a onderful olletion of ; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authorit on . I’m sure ou and Walter ill thoroughl enjo and evening in their pan. We’re planning supper at six; that ill give us a nie long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from ou before then, I’ll be expeting
ou on the ! Affetionatel ours, Li Ming 亲爱的: 我知道您对是有兴趣的,所以我相信您对林顿夫妇也会感兴趣。他们将在来吃饭,我们很希望您和也能同来。是那么好的一对夫妻。我们是去年夏天在认识的。他们集有。我知道,林顿先生在研究方面是颇有权威的。我深信,那天晚上您和同他们在一起,一定会很愉快。我们准备在6点钟吃晚饭,这样就能有较长的时间闲谈。如果事前接不到您的回信,我就指望你们那天到来。
3. 邀请来家中小住及周末聚会 An invitation for a house and eekend partDear : I hope  haven’t an plan for the eekend of  as e’d like ou to spend it ith us at . It’s simpl beautiful here no, ith everthing in bloom! I think e an promise  some good fishing this ear. The fish are biting better than ever! So bring our fishing lothes; and be s ure to bring our tennis things, too, beause  are ing and I’m sure ou’ll ant to get out on the ourts ith them. There’s a ver good train ; I’ve marked it in red on the timetable. It gets ou here about  hih is just in time for dinner. You an get a late train bak , or there’s an earl express that  us
uall takes on .We hope nothing ill prevent ou from ing, as e’re looking forard to our visit … and I kno  are looking forard to seeing ou again, too. Be sure to let us kno hat train ou are taking so that  an meet ou at the station. Affetionatel ours, 亲爱的: 如果您没有什么活动安排,我希望能同我们一起在共度周末,那里已经鲜花遍地,现正在最美丽的时节。我想,今年我们能让钓鱼钓得更快活。鱼儿比过去任何时候都爱上钓鱼。请把钓鱼的服装带来,也别忘记带上打网球的用具,因为我们还邀约了夫妇,我想,你们是乐意同他们打网球的。有一班舒适的火车,我已经在火车时刻表上做了红记号,火车大约在把你们送到这里,正是吃晚饭时间。你们可以乘晚车回来。或者,在也有一班快车,就是常坐的那一班车。我们希望没有什么事情会阻碍你们,我们在等待着你们光临……我知道好盼望再次见到你们。准备乘哪一班火车,请一定告诉我们,好让到车站迎接你们。
4. 邀请参加招待会 An invitation for a reeption Dear : It ould give  great pleasure to have our presene at a reeption in honor of the Chinese delegation. The reeption ill be held in the , on . Coktails ill be served promptl at  to be folloed b dinner at .  sinerel hope ou an attend. Let  kno. Sinerel ours 亲爱的: 如您能够出席为而举行的招待会,将感到十分荣幸。招待会定于在举行。准时举行,随之在举行。期待着您的光临。请提前通知您能否出席。
5. 邀请演讲 Inviting someone to address a meeting Dear :  ould like to extend to ou an invitation to be our guest speaker at the  to be held at the  at  o’lok, . As ou kno, the department is interested in  Sine o
u are familiar ith the field, e kno our vies ill be extremel interesting to us. You ill reeive further details later, but e ould appreiate having our aeptane soon so e ma plete our agenda. Cordiall, 亲爱的: 特邀请您出席召开的并作演讲。正如您所了解的,对。您对此领域很熟悉,您的见解定会给我们带来很大的兴趣。我们将随后把有关细节通知您,但恳请您尽快予以答复,以便作出安排。
6. 邀请参加新厂开工典礼 Invitation to opening eremon of ne fator Dear : Our ne fator ill be mening prodution on  and e should like to invite  to be present at a elebration to mark the oasion. As ou ill appreiate this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of ontinued demand for our produts, both at home and overseas. We are inviting all those individuals and trust that ou ill pa us the pliments of aepting. Please onfirm that ou ill be able to attend b advising us of our time —— e an arrange for ou to be met. All arrangements for our sta  ill, of ourse, be made b us at our expense. Yours faithfull, 亲爱的: 本公司新厂将于开始投产,希望能邀请来参加新厂开工典礼。如您所知,新厂的设立是本公司的一个里程碑,而这正是海内外对本公司产品不断需求的结果。我们邀请
1. 接受邀请的复信中应重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如邀请年、月、日,星期几、几点钟等,如“I’ll be delighted to attend our lunheon next Frida, Ma the fifth, at telve o’lok”。
邀请信的复信中应明确表明接受邀请还是不接受邀请,不能含乎其词,如不能写“I’ll e if I’m in ton”。这类的话,以使得对方无法作出安排。在接受邀请的复信中,应对受到邀请表示高兴。谢却的复信中应阐明不能应邀的原由。
1. 对迟复邀请表示歉意 Apologizing for being unable to give an earl replDear : Please aept m apologies for the dela in aknoledging our invitation for  on . I have been XX from the offie and onl just returned. Lukil, I have no other plans for the date ou mention, and shall be happ to see ou at  at the Blak San Restaurant. Cordiall, 亲爱的: 未能对您发来的出席今年举行的的邀请给予及时答复深表歉意。我因近期一直在外,刚刚返回。幸运的是,我在那天没有其他安排,很愿意届时在与您会面。
对不能参加而迟复邀请回信表示歉意 Apologizing for being unable to aept the invitation and give an earl repl Dear : Please aept m apologies for the dela in aknoledging our invitation for  on . I have been XX form the offie and onl just returned. Unfortunatel, I have other plans for the date ou mention, but shall be happ to make a date for some other onvenient time. Cordiall, 亲爱的: 未能对您发来的出席举行的的邀请予以及时答
3. 接受与不相识的人共进午餐 Aepting an invitation to lunheon ith strangersDear : I’ll be delighted to e to our lunheon on , at  o’lok.  has often spoken me of , and has told me ho ver muh he enjos having him for a . Although I have never met , I kno him from hearing so muh about him. I assure ou it ill be a ver great pleasure indeed to meet ! Thank ou so muh for asking me. Trul Yours亲爱的: 我将愉快地参加您于举行的午宴。经常向我提起,并经常谈到与他是多么愉快。虽然我还没有见过他,但因为听到有关他的事情多,好像已经认识他了。我相信,同相会一定会使人非常愉快,非常感谢您的邀请。
4. 谢绝不相识的人的邀请 Apologizing for being unable to aept an invitationDear : I have heard so muh about  from  that I almost feel as though I kne him. I ould ertainl enjo meeting his mother! But unfortunatel I expet guests mself on ; and therefore annot aept our invitation for lunheon on that da. It as thoughtful of ou to invite me, and I am extremel sorr I annot aept, I do hope ou ill ask me again some time! Sinerel ours, 亲爱的: 我已经从那里知道了许多关于的事,我好像已经认识他似的,能够去见他母亲我当然觉得十分荣幸! 但是很不凑巧:在我自己要招待客人,因此就不能接受您在那天的午宴邀请了。承您如此热情地相约,恰巧因事不能前往,深表歉意,但愿以后能再次荣获您的邀请。
1) Would ou like to …?
2)I’m reall looking forard to seeing ou. 应邀:
1) Thank ou for our kind invitation to…