1. Greetings(问候语)
Hello!(你好!)/ Hi!(嗨!)
Good morning!(早上好!)/ Good afternoon!(下午好!)
Good evening!(晚上好!)
日常生活英语How are you?(你好吗?)/ How are you doing?(最近怎么样?)
2. Farewell(告别语)
Goodbye!(再见!)/ Bye!(拜拜!)
See you later!(下次再见!)/ See you soon!(很快再见!)Take care!(保重!)/ Have a good one!(祝你好运!)
小本创业网3. Thanks and Apologies(感谢和道歉)
Thank you!(谢谢!)/ Thanks!(多谢!)
You're welcome!(不用谢!)/ My pleasure!(我很高兴能帮
I'm sorry!(对不起!)/ Excuse me!(打扰一下!)
It's okay!(没关系!)/ No problem!(没事!)
4. Requests and Suggestions(请求和建议)
Can you help me?(你能帮我吗?)/ Could you please do me a favor?(你能帮忙一下吗?)
创业好项目Can I ask you a question?(我可以问你一个问题吗?)/ Do you mind ?(你介意我……吗?)
Why don'?(为什么不……呢?)/ ?(……怎么样?)
擦的英语5. Introducing yourself and others(介绍自己和他人)
Hi, my (嗨,我的名字是……)
Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你!)/ Pleasure to meet you!(很荣幸见到你!)
唐绍仪This is my friend/ (这是我的朋友/家人……)
6. Expressing opinions(表达意见)
In (在我看来……)/ (我认为……)(个人观点是……)/ As far as I'(就我来看……)
7. Asking for directions(询问方向)
Excuse me, can you tell me how to ?(打扰一下,
Is it far from here?(离这里远吗?)/ How long does it take to get there?(去那里需要多久?)
8. Ordering food(点餐)
Could ?(我可以要……吗?)/ I would like
What do you recommend?(你推荐什么?)/ Could you make
it spicy/not spicy?(可以辣一点/不辣吗?)
9. Expressing emotions(表达情感)
I'm so happy!(我好开心!)/ I'm excited!(我很兴奋!)
I'm sad!(我很伤心!)/ I'm angry!(我很生气!)
10. Making small talk(闲聊)
What do you do for a living?(你是做什么工作的?)/ Where are you from?(你是哪里人?)
Do you have any plans for the weekend?(你有周末计划吗?)/ Have you seen any good movies lately?(最近看过什么好电影吗?)