1. 问候和介绍
- Hello! How are you?
- Nice to meet you.
- What's your name?
- My
2. 提出请求和征求意见
- Can you help me, please?
日常生活英语- Do you have any suggestions?
- What do you ?
3. 表达赞美和感谢
- You did a great job!
- Thank you so much for your help.
- I really appreciate it.
4. 提供和接受帮助
- Would you like some help?
- Sure, I'd love to help.
- Thank you for offering your assistance.
5. 请求和提供建议
- Could you give me some advice?
- Why don't ?
低碳生活处处可为 阅读答案- If I were you,
6. 表达兴趣和爱好
- I enjoy reading books in my free time.
- I'm interested in playing sports.
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
7. 描述个人经历和事件
- Last week, I went on a
- When I was a child, I
- One memorable experience I
8. 表达喜好和厌恶
- I love eating pizza.
- I don't like horror movies.
- My favorite color is blue.
9. 讨论计划和未来安排
- What are your plans for the weekend?
- I'm thinking about going shopping.
- I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon.
10. 推荐和评价
- I highly recommend this restaurant.
- The movie was fantastic.
- The book was a bit boring.
青春中国伴奏11. 表达意见和观点
3画的字有哪些- In my opinion, education is important.
- I believe that everyone should have equal opportunities.
- From my point of view, we need to protect the environment.
12. 建立联系和邀请
- Let's keep in touch.
- We should get together sometime.
- Would you like to join us for dinner?