English: The topic of the 2021 Henan college entrance examination English composition was "The Power of Dreams". In this essay, I would talk about the significance of dreams in our lives. Dreams are powerful motivators that drive us to set goals, work hard, and overcome obstacles. They give us a sense of purpose and direction, inspiring us to keep moving forward even when faced with challenges. Additionally, dreams can bring people together, as they often lead to the formation of communities and movements centered around a common vision. By sharing our dreams with others, we can find support, encouragement, and even collaboration to make our dreams a reality. Finally, dreams have the power to drive progress and change in society, as many significant breakthroughs and advancements have been the result of someone daring to dream big. In conclusion, dreams are not just figments of our imagination, but they hold the power to shape our lives and the world around us.
中文翻译: 2021年河南高考英语作文题目是“梦想的力量”。在这篇文章中,我将谈谈梦想在我们生活中的重要性。梦想是强大的动力,驱使我们设定目标,努力工作,克服障碍。它们给我2021年高考作文题目及范文