My hometown after several years of development, her change is too big in the past, the road leading to the school or stumbling. Undulating. But now, through the government's strong repair, this road is a new look, now has left the old face.关于家乡变化的作文
My hometown believes that the future will change even more
Great Changes in My Hometown I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town,there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life. Great changes have taken place here.
You can see tall buildings,big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are
running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry,we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is ing more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.
I have had a dream, in the dream I dreamed that the qingshui river became very terrible.
I went to qingshui river with my father and mother. I was just walking towards the river when I heard a loud crying. I followed the sound of the past, it was a piece of grass. I squatted down and asked, “grass, why are you crying here?" The grass said, "this is a vast prairie, but people are going to build a big house here. My sisters have been pulled out, and I am the only one who has not been pulled out." "Said the grass, and began to cry again.
I stood up, turned and heard: "help me." I walked past, originally is qingshui river to cry. "Why are you crying?" I asked curiously. "Please help me," he said. I saw an aunt throw a pack of garbage into the w
ater. Plastic bags fly apart in the air, wrapped in peel, the leftover soup is scattered into the river. I went over and said, "aunt, it's wrong of you to do so." The aunt said angrily: "you care for me? Little thing. You see, everybody is
not like this?" I looked across the river and some of the people on the bank had coal dust, some threw waste paper. Some factories are discharging black and black waste water, along the river, into the distance. Then I saw a yellow and yellow thing floating on the river.
God, that's terrible!
Wake up and think of the old water river. In the summer some people play in the river, and some fish swim freely in the water. On the bank of the river, the willows fly, and the bees sing.
From now on, we will save water, protect the environment and protect our homeland. My slogan is "protect the environment from me."
My hometown in xiantao, hubei, is a beautiful and rich city. It is convenient and charming. A curved under the fairy river through the city, the river is a green flag and cobblestone lane, spring peach bloss
om open on both sides of the road are colourful, pink, like little sister rouge on her face. The pear flower also opened, white and white. In the light of the sun, it is very beautiful.
Along the fairy river, we went to the wide city hall. In the
square there is a false mountain and a small bridge. Every spring, here is a great place for children to fly a kite, a variety of colorful kites flying above the square, the hidden under the blue sky white pigeons with children's laughter. In the summer evenings, the spacious squares became a great place for people to rest and enjoy the cold. Everyone walks in all directions, breathing in the cool air here.
The proudest thing is that there is also a beautiful river in my hometown, which spans the mighty han river bridge and connects the north and south. The quiet han river water slowly flows, she not only moistens the farmland and land on the mainland with her milk, but also nourishes our growth.
I love my hometown! The scenery of the hometown, the water is beautiful, the person is more beautiful! The industrious fairy will make the home more beautiful!
At night, the moon slowly rising in the sky, I stood at the window for a long time looking at the bright mo
on, could not help but think of li bai "the quiet night think" in the poem: "bright moonlight before bed, doubt is frost on the ground. Look at the bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home." I miss
my hometown, tianjin.
Home, there is a blue sea. When I was a child, my grandfather often led me to the seaside to pick up rocks, pick up shells and look at ships. The sea there will be a good big very big shipyard, shipyard in al hadd a new ship from, flowing into the country, local product shipped to all over the world.
Home, there is a river of clear flow, and the meandering rivers fall from the sky to the earth. Fishermen are fishing in the river, and fish hawks jump into the river to catch fish. The summer is sultry, and many people jump into the river to bathe.
In my hometown, there is a high derrick, and the famous oil field was born there. I often listen to my uncles about the history of big port fields. In the early days of my life, my uncle, who was in the blue sky, stepped on the moor and made a mouthful of snow. Looking at the present day, the oil is flowing in all directions, supporting the construction of the motherland and the people of the world.
How beautiful the home is! She was like a dazzling red flower, open to the land of her country.