Internship Report: Foreign Trade English Assistant.
    I. Introduction.
    During the past few months, I have had the privilege of embarking on an enriching internship as a Foreign Trade English Assistant at [Company Name]. This experience has been nothing short of transformative, providing me with valuable insights into the world of international business and enhancing my proficiency in both business communication and language skills.
    II. Understanding the Role.
    As a Foreign Trade English Assistant, my primary responsibilities revolved around assisting the international trade team in their day-to-day operations. This included drafting and reviewing business correspondences, participating in negotiations, assisting with order processing, and providing translation and interpretation services. The role required a strong c
ommand of the English language, as well as a keen understanding of business etiquette and international trade practices.
外贸实习报告    III. Learning Curve.
    The initial weeks of my internship were spent familiarizing myself with the company.