night of the shambling dead翻译
night of the shambling dead 翻译:行尸之夜
1. 他爱看恐怖电影,尤其是像《行尸之夜》这样的电影。
(He loves watching horror movies, especially those like "Night of the Shambling Dead".)
2. 在这个万圣节夜晚,城市街道上出现了许多像行尸走肉的妆扮。
(On this Halloween night, many people dressed up as shambling dead appeared on the city streets.)
3. 看到尸横遍野的景象让我忍不住关上了恐怖电影《行尸之夜》。
(The sight of the corpses everywhere made me unable to keep watching the horror movie "Night of the Shambling Dead".)
4. 他们把玩具店装扮成了一处恐怖的行尸之夜的场景,吸引了很多顾客。
(They decorated the toy store into a horrifying scene of "Night of the Shambling Dead" and attracted many customers.)
5. 《行尸之夜》这样的恐怖电影对我来说太过于刺激
(Horror movies like "Night of the Shambling Dead" are too exciting for me.)
6. 在这个万圣节,他们设立了一个行尸之夜的主题区,让人们来体验那种紧张刺激的感觉。
(On this Halloween, they set up a themed area of "Night of the Shambling Dead" for people to experience that tense and thrilling feeling.)
7. 他听说有一些人认为真的有行尸走肉,便约了几个朋友去看了一遍《行尸之夜》。
(He heard that some people believe that there are real shambling dead, so he invited a few friends to watch "Night of the Shambling Dead".)
8. 他对恐怖电影《行尸之夜》的特效十分佩服,觉得导演真的很有才华。
(He admired the special effects of the horror movie "Night of the Shambling Dead" and thought the director was really talented.)
9. 晚上的暴风雨让整个城市都变成了一座行尸走肉的世界,仿佛进入了《行尸之夜》的场景中。
(The stormy night turned the whole city into a world of shambling dead, as if entering the scene of "Night of the Shambling Dead".)
10. 现在的互联网时代,不少游戏都以行尸之夜为主题,深受玩家们的热爱。
(In the era of the internet, many games with the theme of "Night of the Shambling Dead" are loved by players.)