Xueersi Standard English Test for Grade 4
Read the descriptions of some words. What is the word for each sentence? Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each question.
For questions 1-10, write A, B or C on your answer sheet.
1 The area outside the earth.
A space
B environment
C government
2 To take something from another person without permission.
A lock
B hide
C steal
3 When it is extremely cold.
A freezing
B icy
C frozen
4 Leaves that used to make food taste better.
A silk
B medicine
C spice
5 To tell the truth.
A allow
B admit
C advise
6    A tiny living thing that causes diseases.
A prescription
B illness
C virus
7 The thin outer covering of the body.
A chin
B skin
C knee
8 The money that is used in a country.
A currency
B visa
C delay
9 To cover with paper or some other material.
A wrap
B check
C cut
10 The rubbish that people throw away in public places.
A produce
B reduce
C litter
Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space.
For questions 11-16, write A, B or C on your answer sheet.
11He’s had his new car _____ two months.
A for
B since
C /
12The film _____ until eight o’clock, so I won’t be home for supper.
A finishes
B doesn’t finish
C not finish
13They were _____ young ______ watch the horror film.
A so, that
B too, that
C too, to
14These plays _______ by William Shakespeare.
A written
B were wrote
C were written
15I don’t like the colour of my bedroom. I’m going to_______.
A have it painted
B have painted it
C painted it
16Mary _____ her dad ________ driving her to school tomorrow.
A told, to
B says, is
C said, is
time in a bottle
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each space.
For questions 17-21, write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
In the USA, Mother’s Day is a holiday on the second Sunday in May. On that day children give their mother cards, presents and flowers. One of the best (17) ________ to celebrate Mother’s Day is (18)________ your mother a day off. Let her have a good rest (19) _______ other members of the family do the housework.
Many families begin Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed. Usually, dad and the children will let mom sleep more as they go into the kitchen to get ready for her favorite meal. After the food is cooked, they keep everything nice on a plate. They don’t forget (20) _______the bottle with only one flower in the plate. Then dad and children carefully carry the plate to mom’s bedroom.
Many families (21)________ mom to her favorite restaurant for a meal. It is a good day to let your mom have a rest and let her see what a wonderful family she has.
17 A ways    B day    C way    D days
18 A give    B to give    C giving    D gives
19 A after    B before    C while    D on
20 A put    B to put    C putting    D puts
21 A bring    B put C take    D give
Read the text below and decide if each sentence is correct or not correct. If it is correct write A after each sentence, if it is not correct write B.
For questions 22-26, write A or B on your answer sheet.
22Willian Henry Harrison was the ninth president of the United States.    A B
23 Willian was so stupid when he was a small boy.    A B
24People liked to play tricks on Willian because they thought he was stupid.    A B
25Willian didn’t know a dime is more than a nickel.    A B
26Willian was a clever boy.    A B
Willian Henry Harrison was the ninth president of the United States. He was born in a small town. When he was a young boy, he was very quiet and shy.
Some people of the town often liked to play tricks on him.
One day one of them said, “Here, Willian! Here is a nickel, and here is a dime. Which do you want?”
Willian Henry Harrison always chose the nickel, and all the people would laugh at him. Finally, his mother asked him, “Willian, why do you always choose the nickel? Don’t you know that a dime is more than a nickel?”
“Certainly I know it,” Willian answered slowly, “but if I choose the dime, then people will not play the trick on me anymore. Then I will not get any more nickels.”
Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose A, B, C or D.
For questions 27-31, write the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
By Sam Jarvis, aged 12
My grandmother loves making bread and cakes, and is always surprised that the rest of my family never do any baking. So my parents decided they’d take me and my younger sister on a course, so that we could all find out how to make bread and pizza, our favourite food! We booked our places, and set off for Oakton Farm in the countryside.
It was a very long drive, and when we arrived we went straight to bed. The next morning we got up early, fed the ducks on the lake, and looked at the bull in the next field. Then we met our teacher, Michael, who seemed quite strict, and the other parents and children, who were really friendly.
The cooking part was brilliant. Michael gave us long white coats to wear, which we all felt a bit silly in. Then we all made bread rolls, mixing flour and water with our hands. My sister kept complaining at first. Then even she started to enjoy it, and to concentrate on
following the instructions. Dad made lots of mess, I got flour on the floor and in my hair, and Mum didn’
t even get angry! I took ages to make my rolls, though.
We finally put our initials on the bottom of each roll, then made some pizzas and decorated them, which was fun. And we didn't even have to do the washing-up! For something to do while the pizzas were cooking, we all went for a swim in the lake. It was fantastic. Then we went back inside and ate our pizzas. They were the best we’d ever tasted!
27 What is Sam trying to do in the text?  A  explain how to bake cakes
B  discuss the importance of knowing how to cook
C  describe how he enjoyed a day with his family
D  inform readers about life on a farm
28 Sam’s parents took the children to Oakton Farm because they wanted them to    A  learn a new skill.
B  make something for their grandmother.
C  spend time in the countryside.
D  meet other people the same age.
29 What do we learn about Oakton Farm?
A  It had lots of animals living there.
B  It was far from where they lived.
C It was just like Sam expected.
D  It was run by a friendly man.
30 What does Sam say about his cooking experience?  A  He was better at it than his sister.
B  He liked wearing the clothes he was given.
C  He could be untidy without getting into trouble.
D  He was the first to finish.
31 What might Sam write in a postcard to his grandmother?
Complete the five conversations.
For questions 32-35, write A, B or C on your answer sheet.
I made some great bread rolls, but my sister ate them because we didn't know who they belonged to. We had to clean up the kitchen, like at your house. But we've made great pizzas, just like you taught us. I loved it, but my sister didn't really. She found it hard to do what the teacher told her. We liked swimming in the lake-it
helped to pass the time while we
waited for our lovely pizzas to be
32It’s too cold today.
A It’s all day.
B It will be warmer tomorrow.
C No, I don’t like it.
33 Have you seen John?
A He’s just gone out.
B I don’t mind where.
C He’s happy to do that. 34Please tell Liz I’ll call her again this evening.
A I haven’t called her.
B I’ll leave a note.
C I don’t know.
35You’re looking really well.
A Never mind.
B Do you think so?
C It doesn’t matter.
There are five questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C. You will hear this part twice. For questions 36-40, write A, B or C on your answer sheet.
36Which T-shirt does the boy decide to buy?
A    B    C
37Who will be on the stage next?
A    B    C
38What time will the pie be ready?
A    B    C
39Which photo does the girl dislike?
A    B    C
40 What should the students take on the school trip?
A    B    C
You will hear the actor Jamie Grace talking about his new film. Decide if each sentence below is correct (A) or incorrect (B). If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is incorrect, choose the letter B for NO. You will hear the conversation twice.
41 In the film, Jamie is a pilot.    A    B
42 The plane crashed because of bad weather.    A    B
43 People had no food or water.    A    B
44 A helicopter rescued people after 72 days.    A    B
45You can see Jamie’s film on TV next week.  A    B
You will hear some information about a running club.
For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C).
You will hear this part twice.
46How many days do they run from Green Park Sports Centre every week?
A 2 days
B 3 days
C 4 days
47How long is the beginners’ course?
A 10 days
B 10 weeks
C 10 months
48What is the cost for adults?
A £ 20
B £ 30
C £ 40
49 Is it free for beginners and students?
A Right
B Wrong
C Doesn’t say
50Who can you call for more information?
A club secretary.
B club factory
C club diary