一、 给药次数
Three times a day, one tablet each time.
● 1天1次,每次1片。
Once a day, one tablet each time.
● 1天2次,每次2粒。
Two pills, twice(two times) a day.
● 1天3次,每次1/3片。
Three times daily,  one third of a tablet each time.
Once every other day, one pill each time.
Half tablet at night.
Take one tablet when necessary.
The first dose should be doubled.
Take this medicine/drug every four hours.
Twice a day, one bottle each time.
Twice daily, one puff each time.
● 3天1次,每次1贴。
Once every three days, one patch each time.
Two times a day, 1 bottle‐cap full each time.
Use this cream once a day.
You should take these medicine three times a day, five millilitres each time.
One measure each time three times a day, shake it well before taking it.
Take two spoonfuls of the syrup four times a day.
One dropper each time (such as Motrin)
Take once a night, often before sleep.
Once a day, in the morning or at night, take at the same time every day.
Take two times a day: once in the morning and once at night, with a twelve hour interval.
Take this medicine/drug twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Take three pills each time.
Take three times a day: once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening, with approximately eight hour intervals in between
Take four times a day, once in the morning, afternoon, evening and before sleep.
Take one tablet of this pain‐killer if you feel painful, but not more than once every four hours.
Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, the average dose is three times daily, one capsule each
The suggested dosage is ten to fifteen milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight daily divided into three to four doses, taken orally with a meal.
It is advised to initiate therapy with massive doses for two to four days.
Take this medicine before/after meals.
Take the medicine half an hour before meals.
Chew it after a meal.
You’d better take these drugs after meals to reduce the irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.
You can take it before or after meals.或直接说It doesn’t matter.
The medicine should be taken on an empty stomach.
It is recommended to take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach or with breakfast.
The syrup is to be taken during or after meals with a little liquid.
time in a bottle●在进餐时或睡前服效果最好。
Take during meal or before sleep to attain the best results.
To be taken between meals without other medicine.
The drug should be given on an empty stomach for better absorption.
Take it when necessary
This medicine is for fever. Stop using it when fever is gone.
This medicine relieves fever. Don’t retake within four hours after taking a dose.
This medicine is for relieving fever. Take it for fevers higher than thirty eight point five degrees centigrade.
This medicine is used for reducing fevers above thirty eight point five degrees centigrade. Take every four to six hours.
This medicine includes day pills and night pills. The day pill is orange. Take one pill each time .Don’t take more than three pills a day. The blue pill is for night use. Take one pill before you sleep.
When you feel like a fever, you can take a pill to relieve it.
This drug can bring down the fever for children. Please take the medicine according to the age when it is necessary.
或This medicine relieves fever for children when necessary. Take the dosage specified for the age according to the instructions.
There should be more than one hour’s interval between taking these two types of medicine.
The drugs shouldn’t be taken together. Leave two hours between taking each drug.
It is better taken on an empty stomach. Do not take any other medicine within one to two hours of medication.
There should be no less than a six‐hour interval between each dose. One course shouldn’t exceed seven days.
Don’t take more than five doses within twenty four hours. One course takes less than five days.
There should be a two‐hour interval between taking this medicine and any antibiotics.
These medicine can be taken at the same time.
Take it two hours prior to X‐ray.
●这是泻药,在造影前1天晚上8点服50 毫升,服药后禁食至造影完毕。
This medicine is a laxative. please take this medicine fifty milliliters at eight. pm. on the day before you do X‐Rays. Then don’t eat anything till the examination ends.
Take this medicine at
Take one pill in the morning and four pills at night.
It’s for oral use.
It is taken with a glass of (warm) water.
It can not be taken with milk (tea, juice, drinks).