EME学校 新概念英语第一册结业考试期末测试
1、 The bottle _____water .
A、is full in    B、is full of    C、are full of      D、are full in
2、 He doesn’t  know the way ________London .
A  in        B  on      C for        D  to
3、These coats are _______fashion  now .
A on          B in    C for      D to
4、I must stay ________home today .
A  on        B  in        C for        D  at
5、Let’s go ______the  classroom .
A  into        B in          C  for            D  after
6、________ a cup of  tea ,please .
A  had        B  has          C  have        D having
7、May I have a look _______your photo ?
A  in        B at          C  for            D out
8、_________the truth .I don’t agree with you.
A  for  tell      B on tell        C  about tell        D to tell
9、We usually stay _____home on Sunday .
A  in      B to        C for    D at 
10、The bottle __________water .
A  is  full in    B is full of    C are  full  of  D are full in 
11、Why is he speaking _______her ?
A  to  B out  C for  D out
12、Tom is ________than I .
A  older five years                    B five years older 
C  five  years  older      D oldest by five years
13、Peter is _________than his brother .
A fatter  B fat    C more  fatter  D very fat
14、Lillie is _________student in his class .
A  tallest  B  the taller    C  taller    D the tallest
15、They felt very ________.
A  happy  B  happlier  C  happlily    D happier .
16 、He doesn’t like playing basketball,______.
A  too  B very  C  either  D well
17、The green suitcase is ________of them all .
A heavy  B the heavy  C heavier  D the heaviest
18、She is fatter ______Mary .
A than        B in      C  of      D after
19 、 He can speak _____English .
A a little  B few  C  much  D  little
20、This car is _______ I have ever  seen .
A best      B better  C  the  better  D  the best
21 ________does it cost ?
A how many  B how much    C why    D how long
22 let _________carry the box for the old man .
A  you  and  I    B  I and  you 
C  yours and me    D  you  and me
23 There is ________water in the bottle .
A  little    B few      C  a few    D many
24 Someone knocked ________the door when I was watching tv .
A  at  B  in    C for          D to
25 Have you ever _______ Shen Zhen ?
A  been to    B gone to  C went  to    D gone in
26 My grandfather often _____ us a story .
A says    B speaks  C talks  D  tells
27 Please don’t  read _________.
A  in the end  B on the end  C  in bed  D  on bed
28 Let me ______your driving  lience .
time in a bottle
A  to see    B to look  C see  D look
29 Can she type this letter _____me ?
A of    B  at    C for    D in
30 We usually stay ______home on Sundays .
A in  B at  C on      D  for
31---What’s _____ boy friend’s job?--- _____is a policeman
A you  He    B your  He   
32. David doesn’t look_____.He _____be ill.
A good  is    B well  must
33. Look, those people  _____so lazy. They are _____at the office.
A is  sleep  B are  sleeping 
34. Your trousers _____dirty. Take _____, please.
A is  it off  B are  them off
35. _____run so fast!
A Don’t    B Don’t be
36. Can you_____ me the way _____Metro City?
A speak  in  B tell  to
37 _____she _____an elder sister?
A Does  have  B Do  have
38 He worked in Shanghai two years_____,he _____ a doctor at that moment.
A before  did  B ago  was 
39 He has _____ this book, he _____ it last year.
A read  read    B read  reads
40 I have worked in that company _____ 2002.
A in    B since
41. Don’t be late again. You_____  come earlier next time.
A have better  B  had better
42 .The house_____ belong to me.
A is not  B does  not
43. She is fatter now. She _____too much.
A are eating  B must have eaten
44. Our boss is not here, he_____ to Germany.
A has been  B has gone 
45 .I don’t know what _____ doing at the moment.
A they are    B  are  they
46. Father came ______ Sally was slipping on the floor.
A. while     B. just as    C. when     D. as
47. I am a student, ______?
A. isn’t I     B. am I      C. aren’t I    D. don’t I
48. Comrade Chang did quite well, he made very ______mistakes.
A. a little     B. a few    C. little     D. few
49. _____ the typewriter to the next room, and ____ the recorder here.
A.   Bring, take  B. Take, bring  C. Carry, take  D. Bring, carry
50. As you are ____ insistent person, I will go with you.
A. so        B. such      C. a so     D. such an
51. The men _____were all engineers.
A.   which I talked B. to those I talked C. those I talked to D. I talked to
52. Your book is on the floor. ___________---
A.   Pick it up!  B. Put up it!  C. Pick it! D. Take up it!
53. There are only _____cigarettes in the box. I have too____ time to buy any today.
A.   a few, little  B. a little, few  C. a few, a little D. a little, a few
54. I would like to ___to your English teacher if he is not too busy now.
A. ask     B. tell     C. say     D. talk
55. Harry hasn’t passed in the exam. ___Dick.
A.   So has  B. Neither has C. Either has D. Nor is
56. “Don’t eat too ____ before going to bed” Mum said to me.
A. many   B. much    C. few    D. lot
57. Please don’t say anything that might ____ her feelings.
A. injure    B. hurt    C. wound   D. damage
58. The little boy____ his pencil everywhere, but he couldn’t_____it.
A. was looking for, find   B. was looking after, find
C. was finding, look at    D. was finding, look after
59. Li Yin is not _____ today. She is ill.
A. good     B. well    C. better    D. best
60. He has been in Shanghai ____ last month.
A. for      B. since    C. after    D. before
61. I hate this snow and frost. Shall we go to a country with a warmer_?
A. climate   B. weather  C. days    D. season
62. That’s the place ______last year.
A.   which we visited     B. at which we visited
C. where we visited it    D. in where we visited
63. ____will you get to Xi’an? By plane.
A. when   B. where   C. How  D What
64. She lets each of the boys _____ a bar of chocolate.
  A. has    B. having    C. to have   D. have
65. You are not so wise ______he.
  A. as    B. than   C. to    D. over
66、She’s not feeling well. You       a doctor.