    Jill is going to a new school. He is very excited.(兴奋的)And his friend, Tony, is going to middle school,(中学)too. They are going to write email to each other. Tony is going to study Chinese, math and physics. But Jill is going to study English, art and science. Jill's house is far from the school. So he is going to school by bus. Tony is going to walk to school.
1Jill is Tony's brother.   
2Jill is going to be a middle school student.   
3Jill is very excited to go to a new school.   
4Tony is going to study Chinese, math and physics.   
5Tony is going to school by bus because his house is far from the school.   
【答案】 10
1)句意:吉尔是托尼的弟弟。根据 And his friend, Tony, is going to middle school,too. 可知吉尔是托尼的朋友,故答案为错误。
2)句意:吉尔将成为一名中学生。根据  Jill is going to a new school. And his friend, Tony, is going to middle school,too. 可知吉尔将成为一名中学生,故答案为正确。
3)句意:吉尔很高兴能上一所新学校。根据 He is very excited. 可知吉尔很高兴能上一所新学校,故答案为正确。
4)句意:托尼打算学习汉语、数学和物理。根据 Tony is going to study Chinese, math and physics. 可知托尼打算学习汉语、数学和物理,故答案为正确。
5)句意:托尼要坐公共汽车去上学,因为他的家离学校很远。根据 Tony is going to walk to school. 可知托尼打算步行去学校,故答案为错误。
    I'm Jane. My birthday is on the seventh of May. Last week, I had a birthday party. Many friends went to my house. They gave me lots of presents. Tom gave a new bag to me. Mary gave me a pet dog. I liked them very much.
1Jane's birthday is on the seventh of March.   
2Jane had a birthday party last week.   
3Many friends went to Jane's house.   
4Tom gave a new bag to Jane.   
5Mary gave a pet dog to Jane.   
【答案】 10
1)句意:简的生日是在37日。根据  I'm Jane. My birthday is on the seventh of May. 可知简的生日是五月七日,故答案为错误。
2)句意:简上星期有一个生日聚会。根据 Last week, I had a birthday party. 可知上周简举行了一个生日聚会,故答案为正确。
3)句意:许多朋友去了简家。根据 Many friends went to my house. 可知许多朋友去了简家,故答案为正确。
4)句意:汤姆给了简一个新包。根据 Tom gave a new bag to me. 可知汤姆给了简一个新包,故答案为正确。
5)句意:玛丽把一只宠物狗给了简。根据 Mary gave me a pet dog. 可知玛丽把一只宠物狗给了简,故答案为正确。
    Today is Sunday. It's Betty's birthday. She is twelve years old. She is at home with her parents now. They're going to have a birthday party. Her father is decorating the house. Her mother is making the birthday cake. Betty is washing some apples, pears and grapes. All of them are very busy. The party will start at seven o'clock in the evening. Betty's friends, Kate, Joan, Mike, Tom, Rose and Jack will come to the party. They will give Betty some presents. The children are going to sing and dance at the party. Betty's mother will play the piano for them. Betty's father will take photos of them. I think they will have a good time at the party.
1Today is Betty's birthday.   
2Betty's father is making the birthday cake now.   
3The party will start at 8:00 in the evening.   
4Betty's friends are going to come to her birthday party.   
5Betty's mother is going to play the piano at the party.   
【答案】 11
1)句意:今天是贝蒂的生日。根据 Today is Sunday. It's Betty's birthday. 可知今天是贝蒂的生日,故答案为正确。
2)句意:贝蒂的父亲正在做生日蛋糕。根据 Her father is decorating the house. 可知贝
3)句意:晚会晚上八点开始。根据 The party will start at seven o'clock in the evening. 可知晚会晚上七点开始,故答案为错误。
4)句意:贝蒂的朋友们要来参加她的生日聚会。根据 Betty's friends, Kate, Joan, Mike, Tom, Rose and Jack will come to the party. 可知贝蒂的朋友们要来参加她的生日聚会,故答案为正确。
5)句意:贝蒂的母亲要在晚会上弹钢琴。根据 Betty's mother will play the piano for them. 可知贝蒂的母亲要在晚会上弹钢琴,故答案为正确。
4阅读理解阅读理解。    Lingling, I am very happy you come to England. You can find information about English words in this dictionary. You can find train information from the co
mputer. You can find information about the weather in this newspaper. You can find information about English history(历史) in this bookshop. You can find information about animals at the zoo. Wish you a good time in the UK!
from the
in the
time in a bottlebookshop
【答案】train informationEnglish historyin this dictionaryin this newspaperat the zoo 
1)根据You can find train information from the computer. 可知,可以从电脑上寻火车信息。故填写train information
2)根据You can find information about English history(历史) in this bookshop.可知,可以从这家书店寻英国历史的信息。故填写English history