    The Interesting Experiment: The Fountain in a Bottle.
    One day, I conducted an interesting experiment called "The Fountain in a Bottle". I gathered all the materials I needed, which included a plastic bottle, a balloon, baking soda, vinegar, and a funnel.
    To begin the experiment, I first poured vinegar into the plastic bottle using the funnel. Then, I used the funnel again to add baking soda into the balloon. I carefully attached the balloon to the opening of the bottle, making sure it was tightly sealed.
    Now, it was time to observe the magic happen! I lifted the balloon, causing the baking soda to fall into the vinegar inside the bottle. As soon as the two substances mixed, a chemical reaction occurred. This reaction produced carbon dioxide gas, which inflated the balloon.
time in a bottle
    The most fascinating part was when the balloon became too big for the bottle, it popped off with a loud sound. At the same time, the carbon dioxide gas escaped from the bottle, creating a beautiful fountain effect. The liquid inside the bottle shot up in a column, resembling a miniature fountain.
    I repeated the experiment a few times, each time using different amounts of vinegar and baking soda. It was interesting to observe how the size of the balloon and the height of the fountain varied based on the quantities used.