七下Unit 3 A blind man and his "eyes" in a fire
help --- helpful                    mean --- meaning                    act --- actor / actress
appear --- disappear – appearance        final --- finally                sleep --- asleep
reception --- receptionist                apology --- apologize        smell --- smelt
late --- later                        danger --- dangerous                fall --- fell   
wake --- woke                        lead --- led
一个盲人 a blind man                在火中 in the fires                    一天 one day   
到达 arrive at                欢迎来到 welcome to …        我很抱歉…… I’m sorry that …   
允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.    允许某事 allow doing sth.    到任何地方 go anywhere   
独自 by oneself                    带领某人到…… lead sb. to …        入睡 fall asleep   
不久、一会儿后 some time later        开始做某事 start doing / to do        醒来 wake up       
进入 come in            从门底下 from under the door    在……的帮助之下 with one’s help
在……的底部 at the bottom of        蹲下、趴下 get down            在地板上 on the floor
邻近 next to                        ……的声音 the sound of            消防车 fire engine
带某人出…… get sb. out of            因为某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth.
一……就…… as soon as            随便吃 help oneself to            自言自语 talk to oneself
采访某人interview sb                电台节目radio programme            生病be ill
在机场at the airport                出现在电视上appear on TV        去游泳go to swim   
爬山 climb mountains              变黑get dark                      上个月last month 
远离far away                        接近move towards                    推开push away
跟随某人follow sb                游走swim away                救某人的命save one's life
一路上 all the way
blind = not able to see                                by oneself = without others’ help = alone
helpful = useful                                    arrive at = get to = reach
lead sb. to = take sb. to                                appear = show up = come
allow sb. to do sth. = let sb. do sth.                        allow = let … go into
finally = at last = in the end                            fall asleep = sleep
act = perform                                        with one’s help = with the help of sb.
apologize to sb. = say sorry to sb. = make an apology to sb.
1.arrive at  到达(+小地点)    arrive in +大地点    reach / get to +地点名词
arrive/ get/ reach home (here, there)  到家/到这里/到那里
2.by oneself   靠某人自己  enjoy oneself   玩得开心    help oneself  请自便  teach oneself 自学
look after/ take care of oneself  照顾好自己
3.lead(led) (sb) to  带某人去                    4.fall(fell) asleep   熟睡
time in a bottle
5.wake(woke) up   醒来                        6.welcome to …  欢迎来到
7.allow doing sth.  允许某事  allow sb to do sth/ allow sb not to do sth   允许某人做某事/ 不允许某人做某事   
make/ let sb do sth  让某人做某事)
8.start(begin) doing / to do 开始做某事            9.get down    蹲下、趴下
himself herself itself
She made herself a cup of tea. 她给她自己泡了一杯茶。
  She herself will fly to London tomorrow.  明天她自己将要坐飞机去伦敦。
(误)Myself can finish my homework.
(正)I myself can finish my homework./I can finish my homework myself.
look after oneself / take care of oneself照顾自己   
teach oneself sth. / learn sth. by oneself自学
      enjoy oneself玩得高兴;过得愉快                help oneself to sth. 随便吃/喝些……
      talk / say to oneself自言自语                    lose oneself in沉浸于;陶醉于……之中
in 在……里面 There is a boy in the classroom.
on 在……上面 There is an iphone on the desk.
under 在……下面 There is a chair under the desk.
next to / beside 邻近,在……旁边 There is an iphone next / beside to the ipod.
in front of 在……前面 There is a football in front of the basketball.
behind 在……后面 There is a beautiful girl behind the tree.
between … and 在……和……之间 There is a book between the iphone and the ipod.
above 在……上方 There is a light above the desk.
1. My father taught __________ English for two years.       
2. We enjoyed __________ at the party last night.
3. They __________ can work out the problem.               
4. You can go and ask him __________.
5. You must finish the work by __________.                   
6. Please help __________ to some fish, Jane and Mary.
in,  on,    under,  next to,    in front of,    behind,    between,    above
1. The man who sits __________ me is so tall that I can't see the show.
2. They work __________ the farm but we work __________ the factory.
3. __________ the window there is a picture on the wall.
4. The Xingji Restaurant is __________ the bookshop, so I can't see it.
5. Who is the lady standing __________ the table?
6. I will be back __________ four and five o'clock.
7. The students' textbooks are __________ the desk.
8 My parents are sitting __________ a big tree.
One day, John Dancer and his dog Charlie came to 1. ________ hotel. John wanted to stay in the hotel, 2. ________ the receptionist didn’t allow Charlie 3. ________ (stay) there. John told the receptionist that he was blind and couldn’t go anywhere by 4. _______
_ (he). Charlie actually was his “eyes”. The receptionist apologized 5. ________ him and led them to their room. John was very tired, so he soon fell 6. ________ (sleep). But later Charlie began barking. John 7. ________ (wake) up and realized there was a fire. With Charlie’s help, he put some wet 8. ________ (towel) along the bottom of the door to prevent smoke from 9. ________ (come) in. Then he got down on the floor next to Charlie to wait for help. Soon a fireman came to rescue him, but he refused to take Charlie. John didn’t agree. 10. ________ (final), the fireman got both of them out of the building.