5BU6 归纳
Story time
单词:不可数名词: bread 面包meat 肉soup 汤juice 果汁
(a piece of bread 一片面包  a loaf of bread一条面包a piece of meat一片肉a bowl of soup一碗汤)可数名词: potato土豆,马铃薯(复:potatoes)tomato 番茄,西红柿(复:tomatoes)vegetables蔬菜课文词汇:come home from a football game 踢完一场足球赛回来(game: match)
cook dinner in the kitchen 在厨房里烧晚饭That smells nice. 那闻上去很不错(Does that smell nice?)wash some vegetables 洗一些蔬菜tomato soup 番茄汤(番茄作定语,用原形不用复数)类似:vegetable salad I can’t wait. 我不能等了(我迫不及待了)look for some juice 寻一些果汁
in the fridge 在冰箱里Dinner is ready. 晚饭准备好了
How’s the meat? 肉怎么样?It’s yummy. 它很好吃。
Grammar time
1.肯定句:She is cooking in the kitchen now. The man is having lunch.
2.否定句:主语+ (am,is are) not + V-ing. My father is not sleeping now. 我爸爸现在不在睡觉
Su Hai and Su Yang aren’t cooking. They are washing dishes. 苏海苏阳不在烧东西。她们在洗碗。
3.一般疑问句:(Am, Is, Are) + 主语+ V-ing.
Is your mother sleeping in the bedroom now? 你妈妈在卧室里睡觉吗?
Are Miss Li’s students cleaning the classroom now? Miss Li的学生们现在在打扫教室吗?
4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+ (am, is are)+ 主语+ V-ing?
What are the students doing? 那些学生们在干吗?What are you doing over there? 你在那边干吗?Who is cooking in the kitchen? 谁在厨房里烧菜?
time in a bottle
Where are you watching TV? 你在哪里看电视?Where is Mike playing football? 麦克在哪里踢足球呢?Why is the girl crying? 那女孩为什么在哭?Why aren’t they doing homework?他们为什么不在做作业?There be型复习
1.可数名词单数:There is a student in the classroom. There is a bird under the tree.
复数:There are many trees in our school. There are four tomatoes in the fridge.
2.不可数名词:There is some milk in the fridge. There is some juice in the bottle.
如果在容器里,看容器是否单复数:There are four cups of coffee on the table.
3. 就近原则:There is a teacher and four students in the classroom.
Sound time / Culture time / Cartoon time
Qu /kw/ queen皇后quick 迅速的,快的quiet 安静的quite 相当The queen is coming through our little town. 那位皇后正穿过小镇走来wear her golden crown 戴着她的金的皇冠
I eat with chopsticks 我用筷子吃东西(a pair of chopsticks 一副筷子)
I eat with a knife and fork. 我用刀和叉吃东西。knife小刀(复:knives)fork 叉子
a lot of pests 许多害虫in Bobby’s garden 在Bobby的花园里come to help Bobby 来帮助Bobby on Sam’s hand在Sam的手里He is very angry. 他很生气catch a ladybird from the grapes从葡萄上捉一只瓢虫How
many spots does this ladybird have? 这只瓢虫有多少斑点?
drive the pests away 把害虫赶走(drive (them)..away 把它们赶走)catch(三单): catches
be angry with: 对。。。生气I lost(丢了) my new gloves. My mother is very angry with me.
A: Are the girls Su Hai and Su Yang? B: Yes.
A: Are they cooking vegetables over there? B: No, they aren’t. They are making vegetable salad. A: That looks nice. Can you make it? B: No, I can’t. What about you?
A: I can make it. I can teach you. It’s interesting(有趣的)
A: I can’t find Liu Tao. Where is he? B: He’s in the kitchen.
A: Is he cleaning the kitchen? I can help him. B: No, he isn’t. He says he wants to cook.
A: Cook? He can cook? Let me go and see. B: Let’s go.
A: Hey! What are you doing here, Liu Tao? You are not cooking. You are playing with fire(火)!
A: Look at that man, what is he doing? B: I don’t know. Is he mending(修理) the door?
A: Perhaps(也许) he is. B: Oh, he can open the door now.
A: But what is he doing with the other man? Are they moving furniture(搬家具)
B: Yes, they are. Does he want to move house?
A: Perhaps. B: Look at the two men. They are putting something on their van(货车). A: But why are they running so quickly?
B: They don’t live here. They can open the door. They move the furniture. They run so quickly. Oh, They are thieves. (thief 的复数)
It is six o’clock. Joe and his father are having dinner. There is a lot of meat in Joe’s bowl(碗) because he likes eating meat very much. He always eats a lot of meat. “Joe, you should eat different kinds of food every day,” says Joe’s father. “ I eat different kinds of meat. I eat pork(猪肉), chicken , duck and beef(牛肉),” says joe. “But you don’t eat vegetables,”says his father. “I love meat, Dad. Meat is so yummy. I don’t like vegetables. They taste bad, “ says Joe. “But vegetables are good for your health(健康),” says Joe’s father.
踢完一场足球比赛回家come home from a football game 他的父母亲his parents
在厨房烧晚饭cook dinner in the kitchen 那闻上去不错That smells nice.
洗一些蔬菜wash some vegetables 烧番茄汤cook tomato soup
土豆烧肉meat with potatoes 我不能等了I can’t wait
寻一些苹果汁look for some apple juice 晚饭准备好了Dinner is ready.
请迅速be quick 在Bobby的花园里in Bobby’s garden
来帮助Bobby come to help Bobby 在Sam的手上on Sam’s hand
他很生气He is angry. 从那些葡萄上抓住一只瓢虫catch a ladybird from the grapes 把那些害虫赶走drive the pests away
你在烧肉吗?不,我不在。Are you cooking meat? No, I’m not.
他们正在扫地吗?是的。他们是的。Are they sweeping the floor? Yes, they are.
杨玲正在铺床吗?是的,她是的。Is Yang Ling making the bed? Yes, she is.
她在干什么?她再洗衣服。What is she doing? She is washing clothes.
Miss Li不在烧菜。她在擦饭桌。Miss Li is not cooking. She is cleaning the table.
冰箱里有一些橘子汁吗?是的,有的。Is there any orange juice in the fridge? Yes, there is.
在瓶子里有一些牛奶。There is some milk in the bottle.
这肉怎么样?非常好吃。How’s the meat? It’s yummy.
谁在烧肉?我的妈妈。Who’s cooking meat? My mum is.
刘涛正在冰箱里什么?他在鸡蛋。What is Liu Tao looking for in the fridge? He is looking for the eggs. 快点!那位皇后正穿过我们的小镇过来。Quick! The queen is coming through our little town.
她正戴着她的金的皇冠。She is wearing her golden crown.
我用筷子吃东西。I eat with chopsticks.
我用刀叉吃东西。I eat with a knife and a fork.
这个图书馆很安静This library is very quiet.
这只瓢虫有多少斑点?它有十个。How many spots does this ladybird have? It has ten.