1.指示代词有this , that , these , those , such , same.
(1).that 常用来代替前面出现的人.. ,以免重复.that代替可数名词和不可数名词;those可代替复数名词.
(1).that 常用来代替前面出现的人.time in a bottle.,以免重复.that代替可数名词和不可数名词;those可代替复数名词.
(2). 在打电话时,英语中常用this代替自己,that代替对方.例如:
  A: May I speak to Mr. Zhang, please?
  B: This is Zhang Ming speaking. Who’s that.
(3). Such表示如此,这样的人或事”.
  I have never seen such an interesting film before.
(4). Same 表示同样的人和物”,前面必须加the.例如:
    They arrived there at the same time.
    Lucy and Lily are in the same class.
They do the same thing everyday.
1.The weather in Australia is quite different from ___ of Shijiazhuang.
  A. it      B. that    C. those  D. ones
2. The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than __  made in America.
    A. ones    B. those  C. that  D. it
3.Can you believe that in _____ a rich country there should be ____ many
  poor people ?
  A. such ; such          B. such ; so
  C. so ; so                    D. so ; such
4. ---Hello! May I speak to Jim, please?
    --- Speaking. ___________?
A. how are you      B. Is that Mike
C. are you Jim        D. who are you
5. There are more people in Shanghai than in Tianjin. (同义句)
    The ____________ of shanghai is  _______ than ______ of  Tianjin.
6. This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.(同义句)
    I  have _______ read _______ an  interesting book before.
1. 不定代词主要有: each , every , both all , either , neither , none , one , few , a few , little , a little, many , much, other , another , some , any ,  no 以及some , any, no thing构成的合成词.
(1). Some , any , something , anything
  Somesomething多用于肯定句中.当说话人期望得到对方的肯定回答或表示请求建议时,some , something可用于疑问句中,而不用any anything.
1. Please ask the teacher if you have any questions to ask.
2.There isn’t anything new in today’s newspaper.
3. He is taller than any other boy in his class.
  Be quiet ! I have something important to tell you.
2. 不定代词作主语时谓语用单数.
  Listen ! Someone is singing in the next room.
3.Nothing表示否定,表示什么事都没有.等于not…anything. 反意疑问句应用肯定.
He knew nothing about the accident, did he ?
The police found nothing in the room.
  =The police didn’t  find anything in the room.
3.Nothing表示否定,表示什么事都没有.等于not…anything. 反意疑问句应用肯定.
He knew nothing about the accident, did he ?
The police found nothing in the room.
  =The police didn’t  find anything in the room.
1.I have some questions to ask you.
2.There is something wrong with my watch. It doesn’t work.
3.---Would you like something to drink ?
  --- No, thanks.
4.---May I ask you some questions ?
  ---Certainly. What’s it ?
5.---Can I have some  meat ?
  ---Sure, here you are.
1.Be quiet, boys and girls . I have ____
    to tell you.
    A. important something      B. something important
    C. anything important        D. important  anything
2. ---I feel a bit hungry.
    ---Why don’t you have ____ bread?
    A. any    B. some    C. little    D. a
3. The teacher said nothing at the meeting yesterday .(同义句)
    The teacher ______ say __________ at the meeting yesterday.
(2). each every
each指两者或两者当中的人或事物中的每一个.every指三者或三者当中的每一个.each “每个,,各自的”,强调个体;every强调整体,表示每个都”.
There are many trees and flowers on each side of the street.
Every student has read this story.
1.---How often are the Olympic Gams held?
  ---______ four years.
  A. Every    B. Each    C. In    D. For
2.There are many trees on ____ side of the street.
  A. all  B. every  C. neither  D. each
(3).both all ; neither eitherboth 表示两者都”,常与and连用,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式.all三者或三者以上的全体”.例如:
Both mother and father are teachers.
They all like this story.
either两个之间,其中的一个”,常与or搭配使用:either …or…意为不是……就是; 或者……或者”. neither是指两个人或事物中一个也不”,both的全盘否定,常与nor搭配.either…or…neither…nor…连接的并列结构作主语时,谓语坚持就近原则
★Neither people nor plants can live without water or air.
★There is only one seat here, either you or I can take it.
经典例析1.They were all asleep. _____ of themheard the sound.
  A. All  B. Both  C. None  D. Neither
2.Both of them are right.(同义句)
  _________ of them _____ wrong.
3.All of  us have been to Shanghai. (否定句)
  ______ of  us ____ been to Shanghai.