    Jill is going to a new school. He is very excited.(兴奋的)And his friend, Tony, is going to middle school,(中学)too. They are going to write email to each other. Tony is going to study Chinese, math and physics. But Jill is going to study English, art and science. Jill's house is far from the school. So he is going to school by bus. Tony is going to walk to school.
1Jill is Tony's brother.   
2Jill is going to be a middle school student.   
3Jill is very excited to go to a new school.   
4Tony is going to study Chinese, math and physics.   
5Tony is going to school by bus because his house is far from the school.   
【答案】 10
1)句意:吉尔是托尼的弟弟。根据 And his friend, Tony, is going to middle school,too. 可知吉尔是托尼的朋友,故答案为错误。
2)句意:吉尔将成为一名中学生。根据  Jill is going to a new school. And his friend, Tony, is going to middle school,too. 可知吉尔将成为一名中学生,故答案为正确。
3)句意:吉尔很高兴能上一所新学校。根据 He is very excited. 可知吉尔很高兴能上一所新学校,故答案为正确。
4)句意:托尼打算学习汉语、数学和物理。根据 Tony is going to study Chinese, math and physics. 可知托尼打算学习汉语、数学和物理,故答案为正确。
5)句意:托尼要坐公共汽车去上学,因为他的家离学校很远。根据 Tony is going to walk to school. 可知托尼打算步行去学校,故答案为错误。
    I'm John. Jack is my friend. He can play football well. It is winter now. I like making a snowman with him. I can make a snowman well. Kenny is my little sister .She is watching TV with mum in the warm room. I say to Kenny, "Kenny, let's make a snowman outside." Kenny says, "No, I can't make a snowman. I like watching TV in the room with mum."
1Jack is John's brother.   
2Jack can make a snowman well.   
3John likes watching TV in the room.   
4Kenny can't make a snowman.   
5Kenny is John's sister.   
【答案】 10
1)句意:杰克是约翰的兄弟。根据 I'm John. Jack is my friend. 可知杰克是约翰的朋友,故答案为错误。
2)句意:杰克能很好地堆雪人。根据 I can make a snowman well. 可知约翰很会堆雪人,故答案为错误。
3)句意:约翰喜欢在房间里看电视。根据 I like watching TV in the room with mum. 可知肯尼喜欢在房间里看电视,故答案为错误。
4)句意:肯尼不会堆雪人。根据 Kenny says, "No, I can't make a snowman. I like watching TV in the room with mum." 可知肯尼不会堆雪人,故答案为正确。
5)句意:肯尼是约翰的妹妹。根据 Kenny is my little sister . 可知肯尼是约翰的妹妹,故答案为正确。
3阅读理解阅读判断。    Last summer I went to Qingdao with my parents.Qingdao is in the east of China.The weather was warm there. I swam in the sea every day.We ate lots of fish.I bought many presents for my friends too.We had a lovely time there.   
1I went to Qingdao with my parents.    time in a bottle
2Qingdao is in the west of China.   
3I swam in the sea every day.   
4We ate lots of fruit .   
5I had a lovely time there.   
1)根据Last summer I went to Qingdao with my parents可知主人公的确和父母一起去的青岛。与题干信息符合。故选正确。
2)根据Qingdao is in the east of China可知青岛在中国的东部,与题干信息west西部不符。故选错误。
3)根据 I swam in the sea every day.可知主人公的确每天都游泳。与题干信息符合。故选正确。
4)根据We ate lots of fish.可知主人公一家人吃了很多鱼肉,与题干信息fruit水果不符。故选错误。
5)根据We had a lovely time there.我们在那里玩得很开心可知,与题干信息符合。故选
    Mike eats breakfast five times a week . He doesn't eat breakfast on Saturday and Sunday . He washes the dishes twice a week . He washes them on Saturday and Sunday . He waters the plants four times a week . He doesn't water them on Monday , Wednesday and Friday . He always sets the table . He sets the table from Sunday to Saturday . He washes his dog once a week . He washes it only on Saturday . He goes swimming twelve times a month . He swims on Monday , Wednesday and Friday . But he never cleans his room .
1Mike eats breakfast four times a week .   
2Mike washes the dishes twice a week .   
3Mike waters the plants five times a week .   
4Mike always sets the table .   
5Mike goes swimming ten times a month .   
1)根据 Mike eats breakfast five times a week可知麦克一周吃五次早餐。与题干信息four times四次不符合。故选错误。
2)根据He washes the dishes twice a week可知麦克一周洗碗两次。与题干信息符合。故选正确。
3)根据He waters the plants four times a week可知主人公麦克一周浇水四次。与题干信息five times五次不符合。故选错误。
4)根据He always sets the table麦克经常放桌子可知,与题干信息符合。故选正确。
5)根据He goes swimming twelve times a month麦克一个月游泳12次可知,与题干信息ten times十次不符。故选错误。
5阅读理解阅读理解。    Lingling, I am very happy you come to England. You can find information about English words in this dictionary. You can find train information from the computer. You can find information about the weather in this newspaper. You can find information about English history(历史) in this bookshop. You can find information about ani
mals at the zoo. Wish you a good time in the UK!