英文说课稿 篇1
Part One —— Analysis of the Teaching Material
One: Status and Function
1. This unit tells us the improvement of traffic transportation and the related stories. Besides learning this, students will also learn some words, phrases and expressions of traffic, and so on. In Lesson 37, Danny will introduce a new type of transportation to us, it is imaginary.
2. To attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I will have the stud
ents do some exercise about the text.
3. Such a topic is very important in this unit. I will lead the students to use their imagination and encourage them to be creative. For example, helping them use English to describe their imaginary transportation. So I think if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make them learn the rest of this unit.
4. While teaching them, I will also encourage them to say something about what they think the future transportations will be like. In a way, from practising such a topic, it can be helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken language.
Two: Teaching Aims and Demands
The teaching aims basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus provision.
1. Knowledge objects
(1) To study the new words “fuel”, “oil” and “coal”.
(2) To learn and master the phrases “think of, on the way to …, have fun”, etc.
2. Ability objects
(1) To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
(2) To train the students’ ability of working in pairs.
(3) To develop the students’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.
3. Moral objects
(1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.
(2) Love to know more knowledge about transportation and dare to express their opinions in English.
(3) Encourage the students to be more creative and try to make contributions to making ne
w inventions in the future.
Three: Teaching Keys and Difficult Points
The teaching keys and difficult points’ basis is established according to Lesson 37 in the teaching materials position and function.
1. Key points:
(1).Be able to express words, phrases and sentences in English.
(2). Know about the improvement of transportation and Danny’s invention.
2. Difficult points:
Be able to talk about their imaginary future transportation in oral English.
英文说课稿 篇2
我这次授课的内容是PEP教材五年级上册Unit 2 My Days of the Week A部分的 Let’s start,Let’s learn and Let’s play.这一部分的教学是在学生已经掌握许多课程名称的基础上进行的有关星期单词的词汇课教学,也为以后能够熟练运用句型What day is it today? What do you have on Mondays?询问今天是星期几和谈论一周内有关学校课程的安排等打下基础。
1,能听懂问句:What day is it today? What do we have on Mondays? 并能做出正确回答。
2, 能够听、说、读、写单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 并能根据实际情况替换关键词熟练运用。
3,能够运用新的语言做 Let’s play 中的星期转盘游戏。
4, 欣赏歌曲“ My Days of the Week ”。
本课时的教学重点和难点是Let’s learn 部分的四会单词:Monday, Tuesday,
说课稿范文Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 要求学生结合所给句型替换关键词,逐步达到听、说、读、写四会掌握。
1, 日常口语练习
T: Hello! How are you ? Nice to meet you.
S: I’m fine, thank you. / Nice to meet you, too.
T: Who’s your English ?
S: Miss Li.
T: What’s she like?
S: ….
2, 欣赏歌曲“ My Days of the Week ”学生感知本单元的新语言。
1, Let’s start
以我们的新同学Dora and Boot 要带同学们去探险为情境,用新句子What classes do you like?
I like…把学生分成四组学习。同时还引出新课程:Moral Education ,Social Studies的学习。
2,Let’s learn
A, 听录音,让学生整体感知今天的学习内容。
B, 学习Monday
(出示Monday)T: What day is it today?
S: It’s Monday.
C, 学习Tuesday
D, 学习Wednesday
E, 学习Thursday
F, 学习Friday
利用French fries 迁移学习Friday.
在学习新单词的过程中,始终把本课的新句子What day is it today? It’s… What do we have on Mondays? We have…贯穿始终,为以后的输出奠定基础。 G, 总结五个单词的特点并识记。