Unit 6(A)
1.p      to choose one thing or action rather than another; like better
2.l   : the words of a song, esp. a modern popular song
3. g   : kind and ready to help others; light; low
答案:because of you歌词gentle 
4. r   :to make sb. remember sb. or sth.
答案:remind of
5.:likely to tell a lie or cheat; not honest
6.What does it _________ you _________(想起)?
答案:remind, of 
7.It’s the kind of music________________(你能够随着跳舞的).
答案:(that) you can dance to
8.She likes musicians________________(写自己的歌词).
答案:who write their own lyrics 
9.This is the most delicious food ________________(我曾吃过的)
答案:that I have ever had 
10.She likes singers________________(很清楚地唱出歌词的).
答案:who sing the words clearly 
11.I only eat food ________________(尝起来好的).
答案:that tastes good 
12.I like groups________________(穿着真正酷的衣服).
答案:that wear really cool clothes  
13.I listened to________________(一首名为 Heart Strings的歌).
答案:a song called Heart Strings
14.________________(坦白地讲)I also want to stay healthy.
答案:To be honest
田径运动会15.I prefer ________________(不愿吃) too much fried food.
答案:not to eat
16.The music is great because you can dance _________it.(  )
大学那点事儿A. to                    B. on                    C. for                D. in
答案:A  to在此处的意思与 with 相同。
17.Never eat food that stays overnight,_________ it tastes _________.(  )
A. if; good                                    B. but; well
C. even though; good                        D. even if; well
答案:C 上下句之间为一种让步或假设关系,even ifeven though合适,taste为感官动词,后接形容词,作表语,排除BD
18.Eating well and _________ can keep you _________.(  )
A. more exercise; healthy                        B. exercising more; health
C. exercising more; healthy                    D. more exercise; health
答案:C and连接两并列结构,所以看出排除AD项;keep为连系动词,后接形容词作表语,排除选项B
19.The music is great because you can sing along _________it.(  )
A. on                    B. for                C. in                    D. with
答案:D 表示伴随情况用with
20.I prefer pieces of music that _________great lyrics.(  )
A. have                B. has                C. there is                D. there are
答案:A 前面的名词是复数。
21.Time is up, please _________.(  )
A. wake up her            B. wake her up            C. wake up        D. woke up
答案:B wake sb. up “把某人叫醒,唤醒”。
22. Oil will _________,how can we do it?(  )
A. use in                B use from            C. use up               
D. use of
答案:C up在此处的意思与out相同,表示“光,尽”。
23._________,I don’t like the way he talks with others.(  )
A. To my honest                            B. Speaking honest
C. In honest way                            D. To be honest
答案:D “坦率地讲”可分别表示为to be honest; honestlyhonestly speaking
24.Don’t be _________, granny; I can help you.(  )
A .worried                                B. worry
C. worry about                                D. worried about
答案:A be的后面需要接形容词。
25.If I were you, I would _________ electricity. It is dangerous.(  )
A.stay away from                            B.keep far from
C.stay away                                D.keep from
答案:A “远离……,与……保持一定距离”一般表示为stay
A:Look!A lot of people are standing 26._________the truck.What is 27._________?
B:28._________ its an accident.Is anybody 29._________?
C:Yes.A man 30._________ the bike was 31._________too fast while the truck was stopping round the corner.The bike hit the truck and the man got ._________ hurt.
A:Oh,poor man! Im very 33._________ to hear that.
B:Its 34._________ to travel too fast in the street.We 35._________ be careful.
答案:26. round 27. happening 28. Maybe 29. hurt  30. on 31. traveling 32. badly 33. sorry 34. dangerous 35. must/should
36.What dont you like about this CD?(改为同义句)
What_________ you _________about this CD?
37.I prefer music that has great lyrics.(改为同义句)
I _________music that has great lyrics_________.
38.What do you think of it?(改为同义句)
_________do you _________it?
答案:How, like 
39.I prefer singers. The singers write their own lyrics.(赞美祖国作文合并为一个句子)
I prefer singers _________ _________their own lyrics.
答案:who write 
40.I prefer groups. The groups play quiet and gentle songs.(合并为一个句子)
I prefer groups _________ _________quiet and gentle songs.
答案:that play
Carmen _________ _________ _________food that tastes sweet.
答案:stays away from 
42.Xu Fei 更喜欢能表演安静、轻柔歌曲的组合。
Xu Fei _________ groups _________ play quiet and gentle songs.
答案:prefers, that 
生产流程Rosa is _________ _________ _________ vegetables are good for health.
答案:in agreement that 
I like music that I can sing _________ _________.
答案:along with