人教版高中英语 必修一 Unit 2 课时练习
1(2012年泰安模拟)Having lived in the town for many yearsMr.Smith no longer felt ________ among the local people.
Aout of control                      Bout of touch
Cout of place                              Dout of use
解析:考查介词短语用法。句意:因为在镇上已经生活了多年,史密斯先生不再觉得与当地人没有交往了。out of touch失去联系的,不来往的;out of control失控;out of place不合适的;不相称的;不在恰当的位置;out of use不被使用。故此题正确选项为B
2—Some Chinese students find it difficult to understand native speakers when in London.
—Exactly________ they've learned a lot about grammar and known many words.
Aif only                                  Bnow that
Cas if                                  Deven if
解析:考查连词用法。答句句意:完全正确,即使他们已经学习了很多的语法,也懂得了许多单词也是如此。even if即使;if only但愿;要是……多好;now that既然;as if好像。
3(2012年成都模拟)—HiMariaI got the first place in the exam.
—________Everyone knows you cheated and you just copied Tony's.
ACongratulations                          BCome on
C电脑电源维修Good luck                              DCheer up
解析:Come on别逗了!算了吧!得了吧!
4If you let challenges and difficulties benefit ________ depress youmuch more can be accomplished than you thought possible.
Amore than                              Brather than
Cless than                              Dother than
解析:rather than而不是,并非
5—Jackson was late for Mr.Black's literature class this morning.
—________As far as I knowhe never came late for class.
ASo what                              BWhy not
CHow come                              DWhat for
解析:How come?怎么会这样?
6More than one worker ________ sent to the training center to improve their working skills  in the past three years.
Aare                                  Bhave been
Cis                                      Dhas been
解析:more than one worker后面用单数谓语。
7(2012年北京模拟)Today________ rapid transportation and communicationthe whole world seems to be smaller.
Aregardless of                          Bin spite of
Cinstead of                              Dbecause of
解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:今天,由于交通和通讯的快捷,整个世界似乎更小了。regardless of不管;不顾;in spite of尽管;不顾;instead of代替;而不是;because of因为。
8—Jackhow did it ________ that you made so many mistakes in your homework?
—I myself haven't figured it out yet.
Aoccur to                              Bcome about
Cbring about                              Dbreak out
解析:come about发生,产生。
9Cave explorationwhich has come to be known in recent yearsis a ________ new sport.
Arelatively                              Bgradually
Cpublicly                              Dstrictly
长颈鹿有多高10The ________ damage caused by the hurricane is much more than the announced figures on TV.
Areal                                  Baccurate
Cactual                                  Dtrue
11A lot of people here________Tomare for the plan that we will go to the beach on foot.
Asuch as                                  Bfor example
Clike                                  Dand so on
解析:考查用于举例的一些表达形式。for example例如讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的一个为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。such as例如讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,且中间没有逗号分隔;like用来表示举例,可与such as互换。但such as用于举例可以分开使用,此时不可与like互换。如果是在句末,经常跟and so on或者etc.连用(表示及其他)。故选B
12—JohnI know nothing about playing tennisI wonder if you could teach me.
—________.Just name the day.
痔疮吃什么好AI'm glad                              BGo ahead
CMy pleasure                          DWith pleasure
解析:With pleasure乐意;表示同意。
13(2012年重庆卷,35)—Lookhere comes your dream girl.Invite her to dance.
—________What if she refuses me?
AI don't know.                        BWhy me?
CWith pleasure.                        DSo what?
解析:考查情景交际。I don't know.我不知道(是否该邀她跳舞)Why me?为什么要我去?With pleasure.乐意效劳。So what?那又怎样?
14What disappointed us is not what he did in class but ________.
Ain the way he did it                      Bthe way he did it
Cthe way how he did it                      Dthe way why he did it
解析:the way后面的定语从句可省略关系引导词。句意:令我们失望的不是他在课上的所做所为,而是他所做的方式。
because of you歌词15Unemployment in the USA is likely to remain high in 2011and ________ for the next few years.
Apossibly                              Bnecessarily
Cgradually                              D数字签名技术normally
Two Chinese farmers who became an overnight sensation(轰动) when their heart­rending version of a famous pop song appeared on the Internet took to the stage in front of thousands of fans in Shanghai last Saturday.
梦想的演讲稿Wang Xu,44and Liu Gang,29sang “In the Spring” alongside the song's star composer Wang Fengin front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium.
The audience buzzed with excitement and let out deafening cheersthe moment as they were introduced on the stage and then when Liu started the first sentence of their parts of the song.
The two migrant workers became stars after singing the tearjerker(催人泪下) song during an evening drinking session in a 6­square­meter rented room in a late August evening.A friend recorded the performance on a cell phone and posted it on the Internet.