. 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
21. -- How do you like this bike?
-- Wonderful! I’d like to take ________.
A. it                B. both                C. others                D. another
22. -- Mr Green is at the meeting. Could you wait here for a while?
  -- ________ .
  A. No problem      B. Go ahead          C. Don’t mention it    D. Don’t worry
23. The research ______ that people pay more attention to food safety than before.
A. answers            B. insists              C. decides              D. shows
24. We can discover basic ________ about history in the Natural History Museum.
A. facts           B. methods              C. service              D. advice
25. The sign says visitors ______ keep off the grass.
  A. may              B. must               C. would                D. can
26. Don’t _________ anyone else. It’s only you that can help.
A. carry on          B. depend on            C. reply to            D. come to
27. Mrs Wang knows this city very well. She _______ here for thirty years.
A. lives          B. is living            C. has lived              D. will live
28. I can well remember it, ________ it was so long ago.
A. as if            B. even though        C. as soon as            D. in order that
29. Road safety is taught to students to ________ road accidents.
  A. keep        B. avoid                C. manage            D. forget
30. Would you please speak more _________ about that? I can hardly understand you.安徽省中考时间
  A. clearly            B. softly                C. quietly                D. quickly
21.—Wow, your grandparents are full of ________ and they look so young.
—That’s because they keep on exercising.
A.pain    B.trouble    C.courage    D.energy
22.—Did you go to the cinema last night?
—No, I ________ go to the cinema. The tickets are too expensive.
A.only    B.hardly    C.still    D.nearly
23.—I hear Dick has got into trouble in managing his business. But he never gives up.
—Yeah. It’s ________ of him to face such a difficult situation.
A.friendly    B.clear    C.useful    D.brave
24.“I feel excited because this is my first visit ________ China”, the athlete said.
A.at    B.on    C.of    D.to
25.Luckily, most people are able to _________ housing under the new government rules.
A.manage    B.repair    C.afford    D.share
26.—I hope to be a volunteer at weekends. 
—You could help to _________ the city parks.
A.care for    B.clean up    C.pick up    D.look for
27.—I don’t think you can take photos here. Look at that sign!
—Sorry, I _________ it just now.
A.notice    B.will notice    C.haven’t noticed    D.didn’t notice
28.Your dream will come true _________ you give it up half way. Hang in there!
A.if    B.until    C.unless    D.because
29.—Mum, I’ve signed for the box. Do you know what is in it?
—I’m not sure. It _________ be a present from your uncle.
A.need    B.must    C.may    D.will
30.—Would you please help me with this maths problem?
— ________.
A.With pleasure    B.My pleasure    C.That’s right    D.You are welcome
V.单项填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21. --This problem is far _______ me. I'm afraid I can't work it out.
--Don't worry, we will help you.
A. beyond                B. beside                C. behind                D. between
22. -- Mr. Smith, would you please speak a little more _______?
-- Sorry! I thought you would follow me.
A. politely              B. slowly                C. seriously            D. quickly
23. -- The question was very easy, wasn’t it?
-- Yes, but I don’t think _______ would work it out.
A. somebody            B. anybody              C. everybody            D. nobody
24. --Will you go to the park tomorrow?      ---If you don’t, _______.
A. so do I                B. so will I            C. neither do I            D. neither shall I
25. - I’d like to make a good plan but it is too difficult for me.
-- If you set your mind on it, you should find a way to ________ it.
A. achieve                B. choose                C. suppose            D. remember
26.You don’t know _______ I want to see you again. It’s years since I last saw you.
A. how soon              B. how long                C. how often              D. how much
27. I know a little about Singapore, as I _______ there years ago.
A. have been              B. am going              C. will go              D. went
28. --How do you like the dishwasher you bought last week?
--_______. Life has become much easier now.
A. It couldn’t be better                        B. Nobody can do a worse job
C. I must complain about it                    D. It’s out of control
29. --Let's go to the museum this weekend.
--Good idea! We can discover basic ________ about history there.
A. stories              B.ideas                  C. facts              D. names
30. If the weather _______ to be rainy, we may have to cancel the sports meeting.