Module 1  Unit 1
1.    She was young in this picture. 她在这张照片里很年轻。
否定句:She wasn’t young in this picture.
一般疑问句:Was she young in this picture?
2. She was a driver before. 她以前是一个司机。
否定句:She wasn’t a driver before.
一般疑问句:Was she a driver before
肯定回答:Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.
就划线部分提问:What was she before?   
3.    He played Chinese music. 演奏中国音乐。
否定句:He didn’t play Chinese music.
一般疑问句:Did he play Chinese music
肯定回答:Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
就划线部分提问:What music did he play?
4I can play the flute, too. = I can also play the flute.
5.    She drove a bus. 她开公共汽车。
  就划线部分提问:What did she drive?
6.  He teaches us English. 他教我们英语。
就划线部分提问:What does he teach us?
7.  She helped children. 她帮助了孩子们。
  就划线部分提问:What did she do?
1. grandma          2. picture           
祖母,奶奶        图片,照片
3. player 玩家,演奏者,运动员,演员
 Module 1  Unit 2
1.    My grandpa worked in an office. 他在办公室工作。
否定句:My grandpa didn’t work in an office.
一般疑问句:Did your grandpa work in an office
肯定回答:Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
就划线部分提问:Where did your grandpa work?
2.    My mother works in a hospital. 我的妈妈在医院上班。
否定句:My mother doesn’t work in a hospital.
一般疑问句:Does your mother work in a hospital
肯定回答:Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
就划线部分提问:Where does your mother work?
3.    My parents work in a factory?
否定句:My parents don’t work in a factory.
一般疑问句:Do your parents work in a factory
肯定回答:Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
就划线部分提问:Where do your parents work
4.    There were no computers like there are today.
5. I was a teacher before.
就划线部分提问:What were you before?
1. office        2. factory      3. hospital 
办公室          工厂        医院
4. parents        6. shop      7. in the sun     
父母          商店        在阳光下
8.work very hard
Module 2  Unit 1
1.    Ive got an email from Lingling.  我收到玲玲发的一封。
2.    Its about English food.  它是关于英国食物的。
3.    Yesterday she had an English breakfast.  昨天她吃了一顿英国式早餐。
4.    She had eggs and sausages for breakfast.  她早餐吃了鸡蛋和香肠。
否定句:She didnt have eggs and sausages.
一般疑问句:Did she have eggs and sausages
肯定回答:Yes, she did. / No, she didnt.
就划线部分提问:What did she have for breakfast?
5.    Its a traditional English dinner.    它是一顿传统的英国式晚餐。
6.    She says its delicious.
否定句:She doesnt say its delicious.
一般疑问句:Does she say its delicious
肯定回答:Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.
就划线部分提问:What does she say?
1. email         2. food       3. breakfast    4. lunch
     食物(不可数)    早餐        午餐
5. dinner    6. sausages    7. sandwiches    8. chips
  晚餐        香肠          三明治          薯条
9. traditional      10. delicious    11. different
  传统的          好吃的          不同的
Module 2  Unit 2
1.    English people usually have breakfast at seven oclock英国人通常在7点钟吃早餐。
就划线部分提问:What time do English people usually have breakfast?
2.    Sundays are special in England.  在英国每周日是很特别的。
3.    Families usually eat lunch together.    家人们通常一起吃午餐。
4.    They eat chicken, potatoes and vegetables.  他们吃鸡肉,土豆和蔬菜。
5.    On Fridays, many people eat fish.  在每个周五,许多人吃鱼。
6.    He has dinner at half past twelve.
  就划线部分提问:What time does he have dinner?
7.    She has biscuits and noodles.