1. 去公园 go to the park
2. 在马路上in the road
3. 那样危险Its dangerous
4. 穿过马路cross the road
5. 拉住我的手hold my hand
6. 摔破了头bump my head
7. 向他问好say hello to him
8. 赶时间in a hurry
9. 带走自己的孩子take the right child
10. 帮助我的祖父help my grandfather
11. 在农场on the farm
12. 正在下雨Its raining
13. 出去玩go out to play
14. 丢了我的书包lose my bag
15. 一些美味面汤some nice noodle soup
16. 我感到高兴I feel happy
17. 下象棋play chess
18. 想念中国miss China
19. 思考 think about
20. 这是个秘密Its a secret
21. 这是个惊喜Its a surprise
22. 在英国in England
23. 开始上课start school
24. 做早操do morning esercises
25. 在操场in the playground
26. 几点what time
27. 上音乐课have music
28. 我的跳绳my skipping rope
29. 那太好了thats fantastic
30. 你想要would you like
31. 坐下sit down
32. 倒立stand on my head
33. 非常有用very useful
34. 这些消防员these firemen
35. 养一只狗have a dog
36. 它们是香肠they are sausages
37. 在海边at the seashore
38. 擅长be good at
39. 接球catch the ball
40. 控球control the ball
41. 一个好守门员a good goalkeeper
42. 跳得高jump high
43. 跑得快run fast
44. 非常差very badly
45. 想要成为want to be
46. 多少书how many books
47. 多少牛奶how much milk
48. 足够的铅笔enough pencils
49. 不是很好 not very well
50. 一点也不 not at all
51. 和你一起去go with you
52. 照相  take photos  / take a photo
53. 回家 go home
54. 去工作go to work
55. 去散步 go for a walk
56. 下课后 after class
57. 18. 多经常? How often?
58. 游得快 swim fast
59. 爬树 climb trees
60. 飞得高 fly high
61. 读和写 ead and write
62. 在伦敦 in Lonon
63. 去购物 go shopping
64. 在周末  at the weekend
65. 今天晚上 this evening
66. 每个早上 every morning
67. 到达那里 get there
68. 骑自行车去 go by bike
69. 七点半 half past seven
70. 步行 on foot
71. 第二天下午 next afternoon
72. 住在我家附近 live near my home
73. 差一刻到十点 a quarter to ten
74. 为什么不?Why not?
75. 舞跳得很好dance very well
76. 明白你understand you
77. 分发give out
78. 每个孩子erery child
79. 小心be careful
80. 谁的书包whose bag
81. 吉米的毛衣Jimmys sweater
82. 不要争吵Dont argue
83. 在绳子上on the line
84. 长城the great wall
85. 许多人lots of people
86. 上星期天last sunday
87. 大英博物馆the british museum
88. 大本钟big ben
89. 伦敦眼the london eye
90. 它很奇妙Its wonderful
91. 我不明白I dont understand
92. 乘车旅行the bus ride
93. 寄你一张明信片send you a postcard
94. 怎么样what about
95. 制作一张购物单make a shopping list
96. 在野餐时on the picnic
97. 五瓶子果汁five bottles of juice
98. 一公斤面条one kilo of noodles
99. 去超市go to the supermarket
100. 掉了我的冰激凌dropped my ice cream
101. 住在这个城市live in this city
102. 我们的中国朋友our Chinese friends
103. 跟我们来吧come with us
104. 快跑hurry up
105. 等等我们wait for us
106. 看那些人look at those people
107. 我的新鞋my new shoe
108. 你应该等等 you should wait
109. 你不应该跑you shouldnt run
110. 在床上跳jump on the bed
111. 摔破了头bump my head
112. 当然不of course not
113. 做蛋糕make a cake
114. 我在想事情I’m thinking
115. 在你的生日上on your birthday
116. 铃声响了the bell ring
117. 我喜欢喝咖啡I like coffee
118. 他看不见He cant see
119. 怎么了whats the matter?
120.明天是星期一Tomorrow is Monday
Mr先生 Miss小Ms女士Mrs and,but, (可是),while (而)等。She  is  strict,  but  she  is  very  kind.

阅读短文, 选择最佳答案填入括号里。
Dear Bob:
It’s suuny today. My friends and I are playing on the beach (沙滩). It’s very beautiful. The water is clean and blue. We are having a good time. Many birds are flying over the sea. Some are standing on the rock (岩石). Many people are swimming. Some people are lying (躺) on the beach. And some boys are playing football, too. My sister Mary is sitting on a chair and singing. My brother John is playing with sand (沙) and I am sitting on a rock and
writing to you! What a nice day! What are you doing now? I hope I can get your letter soon. 
Best wishes!           
(    ) 1.What’s the weather like today?   It’s _____.    A. Saturday    B. Sunday  C. Sunny
(    ) 2. Sam and his friends are playing on the______A. beach  B. farm  C. playgroud
(    ) 3. Mary is sitting on a chair and______ 
A. sleeping    B. singing      C. swimming
(    ) 4. John is______with sand.
A. taking B. reading      C. playing
(    ) 5. Many people are _____   
A. swinging    B. reading      C. swimming
二、听音, 选择 每个单词读两遍。(10分)
(    )1.A. because B.best  C.birthday
(    )2.A.collect  B.climb  C.count
(    )3.A.fight  B.first  C.fourth
(    )4.A.jump B.June    C.July
(    5.Aseason     Bsecond  C.September
三、听问句, 选答句.
(    ) 1. A. At 7:00 in the morning.    B. At about 5:00 in the evening.
(    ) 2. A. Because I can swim in the lake.    B. Summer is good, but I like fall best.
(    ) 3. A. My birthday is in June.   B. My brother’s birthday is in May.
(    ) 4. A. It’s September 10th.  B. It’s October 1st.
(    ) 5. A. Sure.    B. Thank you.
四、 听小对话,选择正确的答案
 (    ) 1. When does Amy do her homework on Sundays? A. In the morning     B. In the afternoon      C. In the evening