【微智慧】在路上:今年应该出去旅行的6大理由6 Reasons for Traveling
(1)If you don't take the first step, you'll never do it. 如果现在不踏出第一步,以后更没可能
It's so easy to get stuck in this cycle of “I'm going to go—I can't go right now—I'll go next year—I'm going to go,” and never get out of it. There is, after all, a lot of logistics that go into getting out there and seeing the places you’ve always wanted to see.
人们很容易陷入这种怪圈:“我要去旅游,但现在不行,明年吧,明年我就去。” 可到最后也没成行。反正出门旅游的途径很多,总有办法去那些一直想看的地方。
If you're looking for one, there is always an excuse not to get those tickets. But the second you take the plunge and decide that you're actually going (and making the painful-but-necessary financial investments to do so), everything else has a tendency to fall into place.
(2)But you can be alone if you want. 如果你想,一个人的旅程也不错
If you are more interested in spending some alone time, however, there are a million ways to go about that. You can just leave for a day and go wander around a new city, taking everything in and being at peace with your own thoughts. You can take pictures or sit down in cafes and write about everything you see, and don't have to be on anyone's schedule. It's rare that we get these kind of moments back home, and we owe it to ourselves to have them once in a while, if it's what we want.
这样也好(3)You never know what will happen when you get there. 旅途总是充满新奇。
It’s so cliché, but it's said often for a reason. You can spend years rationalizing how you aren't missing that much by not going, or how you don't want to risk not having a good time, or that you won't know what to do when you get there, but the truth is you have no point of reference.
The amount of incredible things that you could happen on your trip is literally unimaginable. You can say that you don't need to see it, but you really have no way of knowing exactly what you're missing out on.
(4)You will invariably learn something about yourself. 你总能更加了解自己。It can be as simple as, “I can navigate a foreign city by myself and get around with a language book full of only useful phrases. I can use my limited skills to get good food, accommodations, and meet new friends.” Even this is an incredibly important and affirming thing to know about oneself, and the only way to learn it is to get out and see what happens when you try.
(5)It's good to get out. 出去走走益处多。
No matter how much you love your current place of residence, it's just all-around a good thing to get out every now and again and see some new surroundings. You are able to put some comparison up against the corner bars you are used to, the restaurants you frequent, the architecture you're surrounded by, and the public transportation you use every day.
While you may end up finding that you prefer where you came from, it's nice to see just how much of our own cities we take for granted as being universal, and even how the buzz of a city around dusk can feel completely different in a climate which is almost identical. Cities have their own lives and personalities, and we sometimes forget that ours is far from being the only kind out there.
(6)There are so many people you haven't met yet. 还有很多人等你去认识。
Maybe you won't meet the love of your life waiting to cross a street in a foreign city. Maybe you won't have a whirlwind two weeks with them where you explore your new environment and learn the first fumbling steps of a new language. Maybe you won't end up remembering this city for the rest of your life as the place where everything wonderful first began. But maybe you will, and that's reason enough to go.
原文来自 必克英语www.spiiker/magazine/guide_text.jsp?id=53900103