宝马雕车香满路,凤萧声动,壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞 。
文字上,各有千秋。例如雕车一词,许译直接用雕车(carved cabs),U译用香车(scented chariots),陶译用华车,装饰华丽的车 (ornate carriages ) 。这一词,许译比较忠实于原来文字。宝马的马字,许译和U译用英语诗中常用的马字(steeds),比较好。而陶译则用普通的马字(horses)。
凤箫一词,U译用( Phoenix-cooing flutes)最好,有凤之形和凤之声。Cooing 是鸟类的鸪鸪声,也可以是人类的喁喁情话。想像一下,凤箫声动,发出如鸟鸣,如情话之声,多么美。许译只简单地用箫(flute)一字,没有译凤字。陶译则用神奇的箫(magic flute)代替,也没有用凤字。
玉壶一词,U译和陶译都是译成玉壶 (jade pot, jade urn)。比较符合原作之意。许译成月亮,
暗香一词,U译成浮香(fragrance floating),说出香的形态而没有说是微淡的香。陶译成幽香(subtle perfume), 许译成缕香(trials of scents)都很好。但是,如果根据林和靖咏梅诗:“疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。”则暗香的形态可以是浮动的。因此,如果U译加一字,改成暗香浮动(faint fragrance floating),就贴切了。
“暗香去”的去字,U译和陶译用过去(passing, gone)不及许译用融入(melts into)好。
“蓦然回首”一词中的蓦然,陶译比较简单,只用偶然(perchance )一字, U译用匆匆一瞥(only on a glance),两者都未能表达出蓦然一词中有突然的意思。许译成突然(when all at once), 最贴切了。
The Lantern Festival Night - to the tune of Green Jade Table
by Xin Qiji
One night's east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers
And blows down stars in showers.
Fine steeds and carved cabs spread fragrance en route;
Music vibrates from the flute;
The moon sheds its full light
While fish and dragon lanterns dance all night.
In gold-thread dress, with moth or willow ornaments,
Giggling, she melts into the throng with trails of scents元宵节古诗词100首
But in the crowd once and again
I look for her in vain.
When all at once I turn my head,
I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.
The east wind at night has flowered a thousand trees,
Bringing showers of glowing stars down streets,
Fleeting our scented chariots and stately steeds.
Phoenix-cooing flutes resounding,
Jade-pot-flashing lanterns revolving,
Dolphins and dragons are dancing away--
All night long it's bright as day.
See the grain moths silvern, the tassels golden?
See the snow-clad willow twigs of the maidens
Passing with laughter gurgling, fragrance floating?
Far and near, among the crowds surging,
Tens of thousands of rounds for one I've been searching;
Only on a glance cast backward do I behold:
There she is, where lights are burning so low!
Night lights a thousand trees in bloom
A shower of stars blown
By the east wind
Ornate carriages drawn by gallant horses
Filled the boulevards with a sweet fragrance
Voice of the magic flute flowing
Luster of the jade white urn turning
All night the fishes and the dragons danced
Butterflies, willows, charms of gold
Gone -- that angelic laughter, that subtle perfume
In the crowds for her I'd searched a thousand times
Perchance I turned
And there she was
Where lights were few and dim