The worst part of dying is not the one who leaves, but the one who is forced to accept it. Not only do they have more responsibility on their shoulders, but they also have fewer people to share with them.
Fukki is such a sad living, his life is actually the epitome of hundreds of millions of people, all the suffering Chinese experienced nearly a hundred years in him clearly projected, he has a legendary life, but you wont have that legend.
Fukki was a two generation, daily spend their savings at home, I do not know where the good fortune for a virtuous wife, is the daughter of mihang Chihepiaodu fukki, can still, not only lost property, but also the death of father, wife together with the belly of the child is also home to pick up only. The rest of his old mother, the young daughter of Feng Xia dependency, the fukki realized for the first time the hardships of life, fortunately, now after the birth of the second child with his son fukki Qing has returned to him. However, Felicity never turns out in pairs., Disasters pile up on one another. Fukki by the Kuomintang
arrested young men on the way for a sick mother, was captured by the PLA, he returned home to find his
mother has died, his wife Jean with a pair of children bear bitter hardships, but unfortunately the deaf daughter, son is clever and lively, later because the county long Lady unexpectedly died of blood transfusion.
After the cultural revolution, the great leap forward, representing the experience of natural disasters, Feng Xia and her husband died, a son of Feng Xia birth of the bitter root has not escaped the fate of the claws, finally only fukki a person, and a head of cattle and his namesake pany, which is quite alone with a pregnant meaning, bleak. The sunset, already chuimu old man drove cattle further away, hoarse voice in the land at the end of the slowly rising juvenile to wander, middle-aged to dig hidden, old monk.“
Close this heavy blue book, the tears have wet eyes, let me not only filled with a thousand regrets variety of tragic hero experience, but because he has experienced so much, but still humble to live, he shall have been far beyond the scope of ordinary people can imagine.
The worst part of dying is not the one who leaves, but the
one who is forced to accept it. Not only do they have more responsibility on their shoulders, but they also have fewer people to share with them. But it is because of this that the living have to live more fir
mly, that is because they are carrying more than their own tomorrow.
余华活着读后感I enjoy living, living so good, living so happy. I have read "life" written by Yu Huas writer, telling the protagonist Xu Fuguis life, experiencing changes in Chinese history, social unrest, three years of natural disasters, the cultural revolution and so on. And your old age to life calm and natural attitude. Tell us that we live to live, not live to live for anything.
When you are out of trouble, you feel alive, happy, alive, then you will feel frustrated, not terrible.
When you help others, you feel the good life and the happy life, then you will feel how happy it is to help others.
When you are successful, you feel what is good and happy in life, and then you will feel how proud you are to succeed.
Hocking is an unfortunate and fortunate man, his love life, love life, so that when he was young he suffering from an incurable disease, break through all the difficulties, to e a great physicist, is the worlds praise. What made him so successful? He
was optimistic about life and experience life.
When a little tender tooth es out of its branches, when a newborn child makes a loud cry. When the patient has recovered. When the fish play happily in the water, when the birds are in the branches, the hair sounds melodious. It feels good to live, happy to live. It all depends on the beauty of life, and the good life is always with us.
Guo Moruo once said: "life and death is a thing on the line.". Life is struggle, death is rest. Life is active, death is sleep." Let us live happily, live happily.