第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
1~5 ACBBC  6~10 BAABC  11~15 ACBAA  16~20 CCBAA 第二部分  阅读(共两节,满分50分)
21~25 ACDBD  26~30 DACCA  31~35 BBBAC
36~40 BAECF
第三部分  语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
41~45 BCADB  46~50 DBAAC  51~55 ADCCD
56.to think  57.how  58.concentration
59.removes  60.the 61.for    62.practical 63.making  64.are attracted  65.which/that 第四部分  写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Freshmen ,
I’m Li Hua from Class 1,Grade 3.Today I’m honored to welcome you on behalf of our school .Since you are going to start a new life here ,I’d like to share with you my experience in living and studying on campus .
First of all ,you had better make a reasonable schedule for both study and other activities .Besides ,you need to learn to take care of yourself without parents’ help .In addition ,developing a good relationship with classmates or joining a club will be a good choice to get rid of your loneliness .Most importantly ,if you feel too stressed ,never hesitate to turn to your teachers for help .
I sincerely hope you will have three wonderful years in our school!
On the same day ,a staff member contacted Andy .The staff said that they would be happy to help
.An hour later ,they brought and dumped their snow in front of Andy’s house .A special winter appeared in August .Brooke was excited when she saw the cool snow .She was supported by Andy to climb over the snow ,and slowly rolled on the snow .Her black hair was stained with snow ,and it was shining in the sun .Brooke would not leave this little pile of snow and played until all the snow disappeared .
A few hours later ,
Brooke died .Andy thought Brooke would have two weeks to stay with him ,but instead there were only three days .Luckily ,he got the best three days for Brooke .Remembering the helpful suggestions and enthusiastic responses he received ,Andy then posted Brooke’s life story on the forum and thanked all the people .He was especially grateful to Power Sport .With their help ,Brooke enjoyed a little pile of snow on a hot summer day .“Rest well Brooke ,I won’t forget you ,” wrote Andy .
第二部分  阅读
21.A 细节理解题。根据“Autumn Tiger ”部分中的“Although Start of Autumn indicates the
beginning of autumn ,hot weather will not come to an end .”可知这一部分谈论的是“天气”,故选A 。
22.C 细节理解题。根据“Fleshing out in autumn ”部分中的“If one has lost weight during the
summer ,then at the beginning of autumn ,he or she needs to flesh out by eating many different kinds of delicious food ,especially meat .”可知,秋天要通过美食来增加重量,故选C 。
23.D 细节理解题。根据“Eating peaches ”部分中的“People believed that in this way ,plagues
(瘟疫)could be prevented for the whole year .”可知,把桃核留到新年是为了祈求来年健健康康,故选D 。
24.B 细节理解题。
根据文章第一段“The left lane of traffic was almost at a standstill as the right one crept (缓慢移动)ste
adily ahead ,filtering (汇入)into the left at the last possible
moment .”和“I crept guiltily past a few cars but ,afraid of running out of space ,moved back into the left lane with plenty of room to spare .”可知作者害怕现行车道如果一直往前行驶后没有足够距离变道汇入左边车道,故选B 。
25.D 推理判断题。根据文章作者朋友说的话“you’re always afraid of running out .”可知,
作者的朋友认为他一向“过分小心谨慎(Overcautious )”,故选D 。
26.D 细节理解题。根据文章第五段“it creates new absences that feed the fear and make it
grow .”可知,“贫困心理”会增加人们对“不足”的害怕,故选D 。
27.A 主旨大意题(标题题)。根据作者叙述的故事可知作者在交通堵塞的情况下本来可以
心态以及生活中的种种事例都表明了,作者应该学会如何应对“不足”带来的恐惧,故选A 。
28.C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“For decades ,researchers and medical professionals用动词写一段话
considered sleep loss a by-product or symptom of another ,more ‘primary ’condition ,such as depression or anxiety .”可知,之前研究者对失眠的误解是——焦虑等引起失眠(焦虑在失眠前出现),故选C 。
29.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Moreover ,the neural activity linking the amygdala (杏
仁体)and the prefrontal cortex ,both the region and the circuit meant to keep our emotional reactions under control ,became significantly weaker when one-night sleep is disrupted .”可知,当人的睡眠被打乱,情绪控制的能力就会被削弱,故选C 。
30.A 词义猜测题。根据最后一段内容可知,我们时不时会遭遇睡眠缺失,但是社会应该批
判地看待一些让人们得不到足够休息的体系,因此可推知,Inevitably 意为“不可避免地”,故选A 。
31.B 推理判断题。根据文章的结构和内容可知,最后一段作者给出了消除睡眠缺失的建议,
故选B 。
32.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“hanfu ,...,has enjoyed a new life thanks to a new wave of young
Chinese fans .”可知汉服的新生得益于中国年轻一代对汉服的热爱,故选B 。
33.B 细节理解题。根据第四段“‘More young people are taking to wearing adapted hanfu  as
they believe the best way to preserve tradition is to adapt it to modern life ,’says Liu .”可知越来越多的年轻人认为保护汉服最好的方式是使其更适合现代生活,故选B 。
34.A 推理判断题。根据第五段“Social media has made hanfu  culture popular in China and
abroad ”可知Yang 通过社交媒体推广宣传汉服且认为社交媒体让国内外都掀起了汉服文化热潮,可见,她的宣传及推广是卓有成效的,故选A 。
35.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Caoxian County ,Heze City ,East China’s Shandong
Province ,is one of the major hanfu  manufacturing centers ,gathering over 2,000 enterprises and promoting the increase of employment .”可知汉服文化的兴起带来了相关产业的发展,自然而然就增加了就业机会,故选C 。
36.B 根据空格前后句可知,享受夏天的不仅仅是我们人类,B 项中第二个“it ”指代
“Summer ”,故选B 。
37.A 根据空前句可知,许多驱蚊剂中使用的化学物质会混淆昆虫的嗅觉,A 项中“That ”
指代空前句的内容,故选A 。
38.E 根据空前句可知,任何没有被驱蚊剂覆盖的皮肤都有可能被咬伤,故选E 承接上文。
39.C 根据空前句可知,宽松的衣服是最好的选择,因为蚊子更难叮咬,故选C 进一步解释
40.F 根据空前句可知,蚊子能够利用人类汗水的气味到受害者,F 项中“This ”指代空
前句的内容,故选F 。
第三部分  语言运用
41.B 考查动词词义辨析。根据句意,自我怀疑是一种你不够好,你什么都无法“完成
(accomplish )”的感觉,故选B 。
42.C 考查动词词义辨析。根据句意,虽然我试着去“避免(avoid )”这些想法,但我还是
无法逃脱它们,故选C 。
43.A 考查名词词义辨析。only to 后接预料之外的结果。根据句意,我会告诉别人我的伟大
愿望和梦想,但却遭遇了他们的嘲笑和“批评(criticism )”,故选A 。
44.D 考查形容词词义辨析。根据句意,当听到我的梦想时,我身边的人们会用诸如“你现
实(realistic )一点吧”和“你是做不到的”的语言来抨击我,故选D 。
45.B 考查副词词义辨析。根据句意,“自然而然地(naturally )”,随着时间流逝,这些话把
我不多的自信心消磨殆尽,故选B 。
46.D 考查动词短语词义辨析。test out 意为“检验,考察”;build up 意为“累积,增强”;
take back 意为“撤回,收回”;wear out 意为“磨损,耗尽”。根据句意,自然而然地,随着时间流逝,这些话把我不多的自信心“消磨殆尽”,故选D 。
英语参考答案·第5页(共8页) 47.B 考查动词词义辨析。根据句意,每当我想追求一个目标或梦想的时候,在开始前,我
自己从精神层面上就“打败(defeat )”了自己,故选B 。
48.A 考查名词词义辨析。根据句意,诸如“你一定不会成功的”和“我为何为这事儿烦心”
的“想法(thoughts )”便出现在我的脑海里,故选A 。
49.A 考查形容词词义辨析。根据句意,直到有一天,我醒悟了,我发现我自己非常“厌倦
(tired )”于贬低我自己,故选A 。
50.C 考查动词词义辨析。根据句意,我决定要和我的自尊“战斗(battle )”、较量一番,并
且我认为我能赢,故选C 。
51.A 考查名词词义辨析。根据句意,我从获得点滴胜利开始了我的战斗。我按时上班,双
倍提升了我的“产出(output )”,故选A 。
52.D 考查形容词词义辨析。根据句意,我开始对我拥有的物品以及“井井有条(orderly )”
打理他们感到骄傲,故选D 。
53.C 考查短语意义辨析。in exchange for 意为“交换”;in connection with 意为“联系”;in
accordance with 意为“与……一致”;in contrast to 意为“与……相反”。根据句意,我也会写下我当天完成的“与预设目标一致”的事情,故选C 。
54.C 考查名词词义辨析。根据句意,随着时间流逝,通过我对运动锻炼的“投入(devotion )”,
我的身材变得越来越好,故选C 。
55.D 考查形容词词义辨析。根据句意,我工作上的表现更出了,最重要的是我感到更“自
信(confident )”了,故选D 。
56.to think  考查动词不定式作后置定语。
57.how  考查“疑问副词+动词不定式”充当宾语从句,此处需要表“方式”的副词how 。
58.concentration  考查动词转化为名词作介词后面的宾语。
59.removes  考查从句的谓语。此处表示的是一般事实,or 连接的并列成分作主语遵循就近
原则,且“switching it off ”与“remove ”之间是主动关系,故填入第三人称单数removes 。
60.the  考查定冠词表“特指”。
61.for  考查介词的固定搭配。
62.practical  考查名词转化为形容词作定语。
63.making  考查动名词作宾语(固定搭配)。
64.are attracted  考查一般现在时的被动语态。此处描述现在的情况,且“you ”与“attract ”
65.which/that  考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰“parts of the brain ”,且在从