1. 面团制作:将面粉、食用油、水等材料混合,揉成面团,醒发片刻。
2. 馅料准备:根据不同口味,准备不同种类的馅料,如莲蓉、豆沙、五仁等。
1. 将醒发好的面团分割成小块,擀成薄片。
2. 将面片包裹住馅料,用手慢慢捏合封口,形成月饼形状。
3. 将包好的月饼放置在月饼模具中,用力压实。
4. 将压实的月饼倒扣出来,摆放在烤盘上。
5. 用刷子蘸取蛋黄液,刷在月饼表面。
中秋节翻译6. 将烤盘放入预热好的烤箱中,设定适当的温度和时间,烘烤月饼。
The Process of Making Mooncakes
Mooncake is a traditional Chinese delicacy, especially significant during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Below is a detailed description of the process of making mooncakes.
1. Dough preparation: Mix the flour, cooking oil, water, and other ingredients together to form a dough, let it rest for a while.
2. Filling preparation: Prepare different types of fillings, such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and mixed nuts, according to different flavors.
1. Divide the rested dough into small pieces and roll them into thin sheets.
2. Wrap the filling with the dough sheet, gently seal and shape it into a mooncake.
3. Place the filled mooncakes into a mooncake mold and press firmly.
4. Invert the pressed mooncakes onto a baking tray.
5. Brush the mooncake surface with egg yolk.
6. Put the baking tray into a preheated oven, set an appropriate temperature and time, and bake the mooncakes.
On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, families would make mooncakes by hand, enjoying
the pleasure of the process, and looking forward to tasting the golden and delicious mooncakes with their loved ones.