The Traditional Art and Crafts Works of Mid-Autumn Festival in English Composition for Primary School Students
The Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the traditional Chinese festivals, is also an important day for family reunion. On this day, people gather together to admire the moon, eat mooncakes, and share joy. As primary school students, we also participate in the celebration and showc
ase the traditional culture of the Mid-Autumn Festival through art and crafts works.
The Mid-Autumn Festival in China has a long history, and many traditional art works and crafts are associated with it. The most representative ones are mooncake boxes and lanterns.
Mooncake boxes are an essential part of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Every year before the Mid-Autumn Festival, supermarkets and bakeries launch various mooncake gift boxes. These gift boxes symbolize reunion and the festive atmosphere of the festival, while also highlighting the exquisite art design and creativity. Some mooncake boxes have a simple and elegant design with bright colors, and can even be collected as souvenirs. Some mooncake boxes are themed with traditional Mid-Autumn Festival stories, using patterns and texts to tell the stories, allowing people to have a deeper understanding of the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese traditional culture while enjoying mooncakes.
Lanterns are also one of the highlights in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Traditional Mid-Autumn Festival lanterns come in various shapes such as round, square, and flower shapes, with b
right colors. Primary school students often learn how to make lanterns in class to decorate the campus and homes. Making lanterns requires patience and meticulousness. Firstly, we need to choose suitable paper and paints, then draw exquisite patterns according to the requirements, and finally fold them into three-dimensional shapes. After completing the lanterns, we can also light them up at night to admire the beauty and warmth of the lantern lights in the night sky.
In addition to mooncake boxes and lanterns, there are many other art works and crafts associated with the Mid-Autumn Festival. For example, themed paintings, paper-cutting, hand-painted postcards, and so on. In English classes for primary school students, teachers often assign homework tasks that require us to write an essay about the Mid-Autumn Festival in English and decorate it with pictures or crafts. This not only enhances our English writing skills, but also cultivates our interest in the traditional culture of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
In summary, the traditional art works and crafts of the Mid-Autumn Festival are diverse, and
each piece carries profound cultural connotations and historical origins. For primary school students, by making and appreciating these works, we can have a deeper understanding and experience of the charm of the Mid-Autumn Festival. In future Mid-Autumn Festivals, I hope I can create my own art works and crafts to add more joy and totems to the festival. Let us use our creativity and wisdom to pass on and promote the traditional art and crafts works of the Mid-Autumn Festival.