四级英语作文真题范文 活到老学到老
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying ‘Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission. This is a proverb full of logic. In other words, learning is significant in our whole life. Indeed, we can learn many things from it. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.
There are many reasons which can explain this phenomenon and the following are the typical ones. The first reason is that learning can light our road in the coming future. There is no denying the fact that the society is developing increasingly fast and we are often easily surpassed by the people around. The only way to avoid this is to learn to improve ourselves. As an illustration, I’d like to take myself as an example. After graduation from college, my life has been full of working pressure, which contributes to my decision of pursuing further education. That’s why I can make my own way in such a competitive society.
The effect of learning can be boiled down to two major ones. First, with the spirit of learning, we are more capable of overcoming the difficulties in the future. More importantly, we can enrich our spare time life by learning. No matter who you are, you must remember that learning is the basic skill in our life.
(引出话语)When hearing the saying “Leaning is a daily experience and a lifetimemission.”
we can easily perceive its connotation. (话语联系主题)Apparently, this saying can be naturally associated with thesignificance of lifelong learning.
(现象概述)In our daily life, it is a common phenomenon for us to learn something for a variety of purposes.(相关人+感受)Meanwhile, a host of intelligent people find it lesslikely to succeed, ifthey just study one subject for a limited time.
(万能举例)Takinga look around, we can notice a great many examples like this: college studentsonly usually spend two weeks learning all the subjects to pass finalexams. They usuallylearn knowledge in a short time for a practical purpose, while ignoring the essence of learning. (强调句式:意义) However,it is lifelong learning that enables people toaccumulate adequate knowledge, skills and experience for their future life.(万能总结)As a matter of fact, wise people in large numbers have come to realizethe importance of lifelonglearning.
(观点)As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity foryoungsters to cultivatethe awareness of lifelong learning. (建议)If young people try their best to enhance t
heir various abilities intheir whole life, the future of their work and study will be hopeful andpromising.
四级英语作文真题范文 活到老学到老 英语四级作文部分一直是制约学生获取高分的瓶颈。要想打破这个瓶颈,就要多学习真题范文写作技巧。下面是店铺为大家带来四级英语作文真题范文,供各位考生参考学习。 四级英语作文真题:活到老学到老 For this part, you are allo 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式