模板1 个人品质话题
Noble ideal/ the great ambition 崇高的理想
The ability to make the advisable decision
The good reading habit
The courage to confront the adversity/setback/detour 克服困难的勇气Down to earth spirit 脚踏实地
It seems universally acknowledged that the self-confidence plays an indispensable role in one’s personal achievement. The absence of assertiveness will definitely lead to one’s lower acheivement and inadequa
te personal growth, which is beyond any dispute.
From my personal perspective, if there no self-confidence, we would never taste the real happiness of success. Dr.Zhong Nanshan, the giant of the medical field and the great hero of our age, serves as the shinning and fitting example here. Being confident can be regarded as the
四级英语作文模板fundamental factor for his glorious success, according to an interview of him. He attributes his rational decision and sound judgement to his assertiveness. There is no stretch to say that without confidence he can not give the critical suggestion at the decisive moment and save millions of lives.
At the end of day, one’s success lies in the spirit of self-confidence. There is no exaggeration to say that the confidence is part and parcel that forge the supporting structure of one’s personal growth. If we are confident enough and put adequate efforts to our study or work, the success will not be far away from us.
模板2 社会(科技)话题
Cooperation;the lack of cooperation
Honesty;the absence of honesty
The traditional culture and heritage
The topic concerning the overuse of smart devices has captured wide media attention, sparking heated discussion on the web. The smart
device, beyond any dispute, is remains to be an indispensable part for the sound growth of our society.
From my personal perspective, it is not hard to imagine that if the corrent state of affairs about the information overload is to continue as it is, we would pay the high price. The limitation of overuse of smart devices is long overdue. Not surprisingly, this topic makes good copy in the newspaper and touches the deep cord of social progress, which is a good start.
As the college students, we are expected to use mobile phone reasonbly and wisely. The wise use of mobile Internet should be known and followed by people in every profession and in every corner. And once rational use of social media becomes the common practice that happen on a daily basis, our world wil be a better homeland . It is true that there is a long way for us to go before we reach our ideal.
Nevertheless, the coordinated mechanism and shared efforts will be the best guarantee.