    English Answer:
    I would like to express my great interest in serving as the English Speech Minister. With my passion for public speaking and my previous experiences in various debating and communication clubs, I am confident that I possess the skills and qualities necessary to excel in this role.
    As English Speech Minister, I envision myself actively engaging with students and creating opportunities for them to improve their communication and public speaking abilities. I plan to organize regular workshops and seminars led by experienced professionals in the field. These sessions will cover topics such as effective speechwriting, persuasive techniques, and stage presence.
    Additionally, I intend to establish a speech club where students can practice their skills in a supportive and collaborative environment. The club will host regular meetings, provide opport
unities for feedback and critique, and organize internal and external competitions to showcase students' progress.
    I am also keen on collaborating with other departments and student organizations to promote the importance of effective communication skills across campus. By partnering with the Debate Club, Model United Nations, and other relevant groups, I aim to provide a comprehensive platform for students to develop their abilities in various communication contexts.
    Moreover, I am committed to fostering a culture of excellence within the English Speech Department. I believe in recognizing and celebrating students' achievements, both big and small. To this end, I plan to establish a recognition program that acknowledges students' accomplishments in speech competitions, workshops, and other related activities.
    Furthermore, I am eager to represent the department at external events and competitions. I am confident in my ability to effectively articulate the mission and values of the English Speech Department and inspire students to strive for excellence.
    With my strong work ethic, dedication to communication skills, and passion for empowering students, I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to the English Speech Department as its minister. I am excited about the opportunity to lead and serve the department, and I look forward to working with students, faculty, and staff to create a vibrant and thriving community of effective communicators.