雅思写作复杂句1. 定语从句
定语从句是雅思写作的复杂句中使用频率最高的复杂句。对于写作定语从句,考生要学会使用多种引导词,不仅要学会用which和that这样常见的引导词,也要学会用其他引导词。归纳起来,定语从句最常见的引导词包括以下八个:表示人的who、whom和whose,表示物的which,既可以表示物又可以表示人的that,表示地点的where,表示时间的when以及表示原因的why。在此,笔者主要向考生介绍一下既好用又实用的表达原因的由why 引导的定语从句。
众所周知,大作文中很多话题都会要求考生对事件的原因进行分析。考生最容易用because引导的原因状语从句来表达,事实上考生还可以使用why引导的定语从句来阐述原因,此时why前面的先行词必须是the reason。我们可以将之归纳成以下这个句型:
One of the (most) significant reasons why +描述现象的句子+ is +归纳原因的名词性短语
例4: One of the most significant reasons why wild animals are facing the possibility of extinction is the increased influence of human activities.
点评:在本句中,why后面的句子wild animals are facing the possibility of extinction是对话题现象的描述,而the increased influence of human activities是归纳原因的名词性短语。这个句型既可以用在段落中间,也可以用在段首点明段落的中心意思。
雅思写作复杂句2. 状语从句
例5: ① The related sectors should take effective measures the moment the problem appeared.
② As education is particularly significant for the growth of the children, every parent in China is making efforts to acquire the highest teaching quality for kids.
③ Providing that social violence is eliminated completely, every citizen can be able to live in peace and harmony.
点评:句①是由the moment引导的时间状语从句,句②是as引导的原因状语从句,句③是由providing that (相当于if)引导的条件状语从句。这三个句子通过引导词将两个简单句连接成为复杂句,句子的结构更加多样,句子的逻辑结构也很清晰,为写作增加了很多亮点。
雅思写作复杂句3. 宾语从句英语话题作文
例6: A growing number of parents believe that being overly dependent on social networking websites only makes their children more isolated in the real world.