The professional community in the modern society
The meaning of “community” will always change,and it will influence people's values in the same time.Due to the different career there were various communitise, like medical community,computer community or Cultural communities.It would have been a good trend,but more and more people consider that to realize self-knowledge just depend on the professional community what you belong.Like the internet white-collar workers and migrant workers.Two different groups,the former are often considered to be identity and dressed;but the latter are always looked down,or is referred to as inferior popular.This is an artificial discrimination which makes me sad.I consider that the value of the people not only from the occupation, but also social role, interest or others.As modern person, we should learn to respect workers of different professional communities.
第二篇:英语话题作文---the professional community in the modern society
The professional community in the modern society
When I was studying the article, I realized that with the change of the concept of modern society,the meaning of “community” will always change,and it will influence people's values in the same time.In china today, due to the different career there were various communitise, like medical community,computer community or Cultural communities.It would have been a good trend,but more and more people consider that to realize self-knowledge just depend on the professional community what you belong.Like the internet white-collar workers and migrant workers.Two different groups,the former are often considered to be identity and dressed;but the latter are always looked down,or is referred to as inferior popular.This is an artificial discrimination.I think that every person's value is not only reflected in the career, everyone has their own way to realize their sense of self.Such as When you deal with other people, maybe you will surprised to find a physical
worker who will write in-depth articles.His self-knowledge realized in literature.Therefore, in the modern society,the value of the people not only from the occupation, but also social role, interest or others.As modern person, we should learn to respect workers of different professional communities.
第三篇:the Giver-Lois Lowry 话题作文“Would you like to live in a community like that?”
If this question was asked, say seven or eight years ago, I’m pretty sure that I was gonna say yes.Things have changed, however, this me now would definitely go for the answer “NOPE”.The people there, they don’t suffer.They don’t have to suffer starvation, poverty or warfare, or perhaps anything else terrible.But in the meantime, they were kind of deprived of their freedom, their abilities to see the beauty, and their senses of feelings, and their accesses to the rest of the world.What’s worse, they, except for the Receivers, can’t even realize what they’ve left behind a long time ago, back and back and back and back.Well, they do know that there’s somewhere like “ELSEWHERE”, and some of them would actuall
y be curious about what it felt like to be outside.Unfortunately, though, they just never can know for themselves.What troubled me most was the killing fact that they don’t have any feelings.When Jonas asked his father “do you love me?”, I was actually expecting his response as “of course I love you”.But his answer, OMG, had no sweetness.He told Jonas, his non-blood-related son, that he wasn’t using the word precisely.I mean, what kind of father is he?!His answer made it clear to both Jonas and I how horrible it was if human had no feelings, good or bad.Some say, without those abundant feelings they might be able to be happy, to live peacefully, and to enjoy their lives.But they just forget that, by then they won’t even know what “happy” means, by then, nothing makes sense any longer.I’ve been through losses, sadnesses, sorrows, even heartaches, and i won’t try to deny that they were like, extremely hard to accept, or to live with.But I’m more than sure that they, those unpleasant experiences and feelings, taught me how to cherish, how to be, how to let go, how to live, and how to love.The unsatisfactory side of life happen to be whatever emphasizes the importance of the sweet days, pleasant thoughts, unforgettable memories and beautiful dreams.It also colors our lives, and makes it complete the other way.People i
n that community, are highly identical, not physically of course, but mentally.They perfectly explain the word “sameness”, you know, as they obey the same rules, ride the same bikes, live in the same dwellings, use the same stuffed toys again and again, do the same volunteer work, and their jobs are chosen by other people who claimed to be authorities.Yes, they may have observed very carefully, but the kids are doomed to do same job they didn’t choose for themselves day after day, year after year, like it or not.They are somehow no more like humans, but gradually becoming just a bunch of robots obeying orders.When Jonas figured out that they had no idea what their lives were supposed to be, I thought, “oh gosh, that’s so so so pathetic!”.I think we deserve the truth.Though sometimes the truth hurts, I’d rather live in a world with its everything known to all , instead of living in a huge lie.It’s not all dark there, after all what they’ve done was their way to try to make things better, right or wrong.It’s not our place to judge, and it’s definitely beyond our abilities to change.But I still have the chance to choose to stay here, not to go to that motionless “heaven”.I give thanks to all the troubles and difficulties in my life, because they did force me to grow up, to be a tougher myself.I promise that all the feelings including the
hard ones, are like the little gifts from heaven, as much as they might hurt.And I will never ever trade them for a community like that.
第四篇:My Perfect Community
My Perfect Community Today, I am sitting on a stone bench.Thinking about something, looking at the sky, looking at the cloud, and looking at my community.Maybe you want to ask me, you can see your community everyday.Why you are looking at it Yes, I always think I know my community a lot.But now I know that there are a lot of things I don't know about my community.I walk along the small road in our community, the sun is shining to the cloud, just looks like a big fire is on the side of of sky.The grasshoppers are singing to suggest the coming of evening.'My community is so beautiful' , I think like this.Two rows of trees standing at the two sides of the road.They stand perfectly straight.They looks so green and so full of vigor.In the middle of our community.There are some facilities for playing and exercising.The evening is coming.The parents finished their work and go out playing with their children.You can always hear laughing here.This is really a “Happyland” f
or adult or children.There is a tennis court beside the facilities.I usually play tennis with my friend and have tennis classes in the tennis court.There are a lot of trees around the court.We sometimes play hide and seek in the trees.My friends sometimes hits the ball outside the court and we need to find it.That's very funny, just like a treasure hunt.I imaging I'm Indiana Jones, finding treasure in the jungle.There is also a small fountain at the back of our community.Where we can splash in the water.We all like to play beside it.It freezes in the winter.The ice shine in sun, looks wonderful.My community does not just have good scenery, the property is also very nice and responsible.They did perfect on their job.I have to say my community is perfect.
A mobile phone has no wires and can be carried about in your pocket or your bag.It is smart.If you need to ring someone, you just press the numbers and the phone will connect you to the right number.You can take it with you wherever you go.A cordless phone also ha
s no wires.It can be useful in the office or the factory.Imagine that you are working in an office and a suctomer calls you asking for some information.If you have a cordless phone, you can carry it with you and look up the information that your caller wants.In other words, you can walk to a distant part of the office or factory to check the information without putting the phone down.One new model has lately been developed for business people.With this phone, you do not have to look up the number of the percon you want to ring.The phone has a small computer in it.You say the name of the person you want to ring.The phone recognizes the name and then dials the corret number.You can record up to 20 different names on this kind of phone.If you are a person who offen forgets people's telephone numbers this could be the phone for you.However you have to remember their names.话题作文:关于自信的英语作文