I remember the first time I saw the tiny tadpoles swimming in the pond. They were so small and delicate, with tiny black eyes and translucent bodies. 我记得第一次看到池塘里游来游去的小蝌蚪。它们如此娇小而纤细,眼睛微小,身体半透明。
At first, I couldn't believe that these tiny creatures would one day transform into frogs. It was miraculous to witness their transformation from tadpoles to frogs. 起初,我无法相信这些微小的生物终将变成青蛙。亲眼目睹它们从蝌蚪到青蛙的转变是奇迹般的。
The tadpoles were constantly moving, wriggling their tails and swimming gracefully in the water. They seemed so carefree and innocent, unaware of the challenges that lay ahead in their lives. 蝌蚪们不断地活动着,摇摆着尾巴,在水中优雅地游动。它们似乎是那样的无忧无虑和天真,毫不知晓生活中等待着它们的挑战。
As they grew bigger, I could see their tiny hind legs starting to emerge, a sign of the forthcoming transformation. It was fascinating to observe their development and the gradual
changes in their appearance. 随着它们的成长,我能够看到它们微小的后腿开始出现,这是即将到来的转变的迹象。观察它们的发展和外貌的渐变变化是非常迷人的。写观察日记
The tadpoles' bodies elongated, and their tails became shorter as they started to develop into frogs. It was incredible to see the transformation taking place right before my eyes, a reminder of the wonders of nature. 蝌蚪的身体变得更长,它们的尾巴变得更短,因为它们开始变成青蛙。看到这个转变正在我眼前发生,让人难以置信,也是对自然奇迹的一种提醒。
Finally, the tadpoles had transformed into frogs, with their tiny legs fully developed and their tails disappeared. It was a bittersweet moment, as I was thrilled to see them mature, but also a little sad to say goodbye to the tiny creatures I had grown so fond of. 最终,蝌蚪们变成了青蛙,它们微小的腿完全发育成熟,尾巴消失了。这是一个苦乐参半的时刻,我很高兴看到它们成长,但也有点难过地与我深爱的小生物告别。