(  ) 1. A. tired          B. first          C. third          D. girl
(  ) 2. A. party          B. warm        C. farm          D. sharp
(  ) 3. A. know        B. brown        C. snow          D. window
(  ) 4. A. snack        B. appear        C. about          D. around
(  ) 5. A. soon          B. food          C. cool          D. cook
(  ) 6. A. wear          B. bear          C.appear          D. pear
(  ) 7. A. speak        B. dead          C. eat            D. weak
(  ) 8. A. piano        B. story          C. clothes        D. cola
(  ) 1. end        A. [e]  B. [i]          (  ) 2. begin      A. [e]    B. [i]
(  ) 3. toy        A. [ɔi]  B. [uə]        (  ) 4.clown      A. [əu]   B. [au]
(  ) 5. fruit      A. [u:]  B. [a:]        (  ) 6. balloon    A. [u]  B. [u:]
(  ) 6. gift        A. [i]    B. [ai]        (  ) 8. game      A. [ei]    B. [æ]
1.There are                   (一些肉和蔬菜) in the fridge.
2.The film is going to begin at seven and e          at nine thirty.
3.They had a good time                     (去年儿童节).
4.I often                 (买一些饮料) from the shop.
5.Lily thinks of some                   (聚会游戏).
6.When you go to a Western party, you should                     (带一份礼物).
7.My mother sometimes                   (从超市买一些水果).
8.They had the party                 (在我的家里).
9.Here are                   (一些气球) for you.
10.I am going to                       (和我的同学玩) this weekend.
11.                  (一个小丑) appears.
12.Mike                   (不知道) how to go to the park.
13.Are you going to                               (从家里带一些玩具)?
14.We are going to the park t             
15.We dont have any lessons                       (在星期天早上).
16.We are going to                   (上演) a play.
17.Dont laugh l                in class.
18.Childrens Day is coming. We are all very e            .
19.The party b            at seven in the evening.
20.Girls like w              dresses in summer.
(  ) 1.   May I speak to Helen?  --             .
A.Yes, please.          B. Yes, you will.        C. Yes, speaking
(  ) 2.         your sister           a book from the library?
A.Are ; going to borrow  B. Is ; going to borrow  C. Will ; going to borrow
(  ) 3. Heres a present         you. Its           your brother.
A.for ; to              B. to ; from            C. for ; from
(  ) 4. My mother often           some books           Childrens Day.
A.buys ; on            B. buys ; at            C. buy ; on
(  ) 5. My friend         pictures well. She         a picture last Sunday.
A.draws ; drew        B. drawing ; drew      C. draws ; drawed
(  ) 6. Mike         free yesterday. He           busy tomorrow.
A.was ; is              B. was ; will be        C. is ; will be
(  ) 7. It           the year of the sheep this year.
A.is going to be        B. will be            C. is
(  ) 8. Jack           some balloons           me last Saturday.
A.经典短文brought ; to          B. brought ; for        C. brings ; to
(  ) 9. Look at your room. What about         your things in order?
A.put                B. putting            C. puting
(  ) 10. The king isnt               any clothes.
A.wears              B. wear              C. wearing
(  ) 11. --           are you going to the zoo?  -- Next weekend.
A.When              B. Where              C. What
(  ) 12. Liu Tao           the king in the play.
A.is going to          B. is going to is        C. is going to be
(  ) 13. Just then, Liu Tao           with some balloons.
A.is going to appear    B. is appearing          C. appeared
(  ) 14. What are you going to do           the party?
        -- I am going to bring some sweets           the party.
      A. for ; at              B. at ; from            C. for ; to
(  ) 15. Bobbys class is going to have a party         .
A.now                B. soon              C. yesterday
(  ) 16. Helen           English well. She often helps me with my English.
A.study              B. studys              C. studies
(  ) 17. There           a swimming lesson tomorrow.
A.will have            B. is going to have      C. is going to be