    Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a wise old owl named Ollie. Ollie was known for his wisdom and was often sought after for advice by the other animals in the forest. One day, a young rabbit named Robbie approached Ollie and asked for his guidance on how to live a happy and fulfilling life.
    Ollie thought for a moment and then began to tell Robbie a fable about a clever fox and a wise tortoise. The fable taught Robbie that it's not always the fastest or the smartest who wins the race, but rather the one who is steady and persistent.
寓言故事及寓意    The moral of the fable was that patience and perseverance are the keys to success in life. Ollie explained to Robbie that in the journey of life, there will be obstacles and challenges, but those who remain steadfast and determined will ultimately achieve their goals.
    Robbie listened intently and took Ollie's words to heart. He realized that in his own life, he
had been too focused on rushing through things and trying to outsmart others. From that day on, Robbie adopted a more patient and persistent attitude, and he found that he was much happier and more successful in all that he did.