    Aesop's fables are timeless stories that teach valuable lessons about human nature and morality. They often feature anthropomorphic animals as characters, allowing us to explore human behavior in a safe and entertaining way.
    One of the most famous Aesop's fables is "The Lion and the Mouse." In this story, a lion spares the life of a tiny mouse. Later, the mouse is able to repay the lion's kindness by gnawing through the ropes that bind him. The moral of the story is that even the smallest and weakest creatures can have an impact on the world.
    Another well-known fable is "The Tortoise and the Hare." In this story, a slow and steady tortoise eventually wins a race against a fast and arrogant hare. The moral of the story is that it is better to be consistent and hardworking than to rely on speed and talent.
    Aesop's fables have been translated into over 300 languages and are still widely read and
enjoyed today. They continue to teach valuable lessons about human behavior and morality.
    伊索寓言已被翻译成 300 多种语言,至今仍被广泛阅读和喜爱。它们继续传授着关于人类行为和道德的有价值的教训。