Title: A Glimpse of Mid-Autumn Festival: Evocative Beginnings and endings with Ancient Poetry
As the moon rises in the east, casting its silver glow over the earth, the air fills with the scent of incense and the laughter of families gathered together. It is Mid-Autumn Festival, a time of reunion and celebration. The moon, round and bright, symbolizes completeness and unity, much like the families who gather around it. As the ancient Chinese poet Du Fu once wrote, "The moon above the Yellow River is as round as a mirror, its brightness like a jade disk." These words encapsulate the essence of Mid-Autumn, a time when even the farthest corners of the earth seem to draw nearer under the watchful gaze of the moon.
As the night draws to a close and the moon begins its descent in the west, the celebrations of Mid-Autumn Festival come to an end. But the memories and the warmth of the moment linger long after the last crumb of mooncake is gone. As the poet Su Shi once penned, "May we all be blessed with long life, even if it is far apart. May we share the beauty of the moon, even if we are thousands of miles apart." These words echo deeply in the hearts of all who celebrate Mid-Autumn, a festival that transcends distances and brings people together under the same moonlit sky.